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Financial Regulatory Developments Focus
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The following posts provide a snapshot of selected UK, EU and global financial regulatory developments of interest to banks, investment firms, broker-dealers, market infrastructures, asset managers and corporates.

  • UK Conduct Regulator Publishes Results of Review of Investment Platforms Market

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Regulator has published a statement on the results of its review of the investment platforms market. The FCA launched its Investment Platforms Market Study in 2017 to investigate whether competition between investment platforms was working in the interests of consumers. Investment platforms enable consumers and financial advisers to review investment opportunities across a range of funds and execute and change their investments. In 2019, the FCA published a Final Report which concluded that consumers should be able to switch more easily between investment platforms, and proposed a series of measures to help achieve this. It also announced that it would review the industry's progress in adopting these measures in 2020/2021. The FCA's statement sets out the results of that review.

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  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Publishes Feedback Statement on Access to Wholesale Data

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has published a feedback statement relating to the call for input on accessing and using wholesale data. In the feedback statement, the FCA summarizes the responses received and the FCA's findings on whether data are being priced and sold competitively. The FCA confirms that it will undertake the following work to gain a deeper understanding of the potential harm and, where appropriate, take steps to mitigate any harm. In particular, the FCA will focus on the following:
    1. Trading data: in Spring 2022, the FCA will run an information gathering and analysis exercise that concentrates on the pricing of trading data, underlying costs and the terms for the sale of trading data. The FCA's findings will be published later in 2022.
    2. Benchmarks: in Summer 2022, the FCA will launch a market study into how competition operates between benchmarks, which will include the pricing of benchmarks, contractual terms and obstacles to switching between benchmarks.
    3. Credit Rating Agencies: by the end of 2022, the FCA will begin a market study on the competition in the sale of credit rating data, including pricing, contractual relationships, difficulties in entry to the credit rating data market and innovation.
    4. Alternative data and advanced analytics: the FCA has commissioned research on the nature and scale of alternative data.
  • UK Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum Publishes Report on Strengthening Digital Regulatory Cooperation

    The U.K. Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum has published a report on the measures that the U.K. Government may take to strengthen cooperation between digital regulators. The DRCF consists of the Competition and Markets Authority, Ofcom, the Information Commissioner's Office and the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority (although the FCA's views are not represented in this report because it only joined the DRCF in April 2021, after the report was commissioned). The U.K. Government asked the DRCF to produce the report to determine whether further measures were needed to support cooperation between regulators.

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  • UK Payment Services Regulator Consults on Delivery and Regulation of the UK's New Payments Architecture

    The U.K. Payment Systems Regulator has opened a consultation on the delivery and regulation of the U.K.'s New Payments Architecture. The NPA will reorganize the clearing and settlement of most of the U.K.'s domestic interbank payments, including payments that currently use the BACS and Faster Payments systems. The PSR consulted last year on issues relating to competition and innovation in payment services and remains concerned about these issues. The PSR is also concerned that the current NPA programme will not provide value for money and will delay the achievement of the benefits of the NPA. The PSR is therefore seeking views on its proposals to reduce these risks to the successful delivery of the NPA. The proposals include narrowing the scope of the initial contract for delivery to those services that support the replacement and upgrade of Faster Payments and on ways to mitigate the risks to competition and innovation, including procurement, contractual provisions and governance provisions. Responses to the proposals on reducing the risk to delivery of the NPA may be submitted until March 19, 2021 and responses to the proposals on mitigating competition issues may be submitted until May 5, 2021.

    View the PSR's consultation paper on delivery of the NPA.

    View details of the PSR's consultation on competition and innovation.
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Opens Call for Input on Access to Wholesale Data

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has published a call for input on accessing and using wholesale data. The FCA has launched the call for input to assess the use and value of data and advanced analytics in wholesale financial markets. The regulator would like to know if there are concerns about access to data and how it is priced and sold because the market may be causing harm to investors. The focus of the call for input is benchmarks, trading data and market data vendor services. However, the FCA welcomes input on whether there are other areas where data access is giving rise to issues. Responses to the call for input may be submitted until January 7, 2021 (extended in response to the impact of COVID-19). The FCA will publish a feedback statement setting out its analysis and next steps.
  • UK Payment Systems Regulator Consults on Competition and Innovation Issues in the New Payments Architecture

    The U.K. Payment Systems Regulator has published a Call for Input on competition and innovation in the U.K.'s New Payments Architecture. Feedback was originally requested by March 24, 2020, but in light of COVID-19 that deadline has been extended to May 1, 2020. The PSR confirms that it will consult further on this issue, including on a draft policy statement. All of the feedback will assist the PSR to develop the NPA regulatory policy, the final version of which will be published before the end of 2020. The NPA will reorganize the clearing and settlement of most of the U.K.'s domestic interbank payments, including payments that currently use the BACS and Faster Payments systems. The consultation paper sets out certain potential harms to competition and innovation and possible mitigating measures to address these.

    View the call for input.
  • UK Competition Authority Removes Part 6 of Retail Banking Market Investigation Order

    Following its consultation earlier this year, the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published its final decision to vary the Retail Banking Market Investigation Order 2017 by removing Part 6 of the Order, which governs automatic enrollment in personal current account alerts.

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Competition Authority Consults on Intention to Vary Retail Banking Market Investigation Order

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has formally announced its provisional decision to vary the Retail Banking Market Investigation Order 2017 by removing Part 6 of the Order, which governs automatic enrollment in personal current account alerts. The CMA has published a draft of its proposed Variation Order together with its provisional decision and is seeking comments on both, which should be submitted by October 15, 2019.

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Consultation on Draft Law Ensuring Trustee Oversight of Investment Consultants and Fiduciary Managers

    The U.K. Department for Work and Pensions has opened a consultation on draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Governance and Registration) (Amendment) Regulations 2019. The consultation runs until September 2, 2019. The draft Regulations are intended to implement into law certain of the remedies made by the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority in its Investment Consultants and Fiduciary Managers Markets Investigation. The CMA published a Final Report in December 2018 that set out its finding of adverse competition in the investment consultants and fiduciary managers markets and the remedies to address that finding. The CMA's final Order to implement the remedies was published on June 10, 2019.

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    Topics : CompetitionFunds
  • UK Payment Systems Regulator Revises Timeline for Market Review into the Supply of Card-Acquiring Services

    The U.K. Payment Systems Regulator has revised the timeline for its work on the market review into the supply of card-acquiring services. The PSR will publish its interim report for consultation in Q1 2020, instead of by the end of 2019 as initially set out in the Terms of Reference. The postponement has come about as the PSR has identified a number of additional issues that need to be addressed in the review.

    The market review is a response to concerns that the supply of card-acquiring services from specialist providers by merchants (to enable card payments to be accepted and processed on their behalf) may not be working well for some merchants and, ultimately, consumers. The market review is intended to examine the lack of transparency around merchants' fees for accepting card payments and barriers to competition in the card-acquirer services market.

    View the PSR's announcement.
  • UK Payment Systems Regulator Launches Consultation on Supply of Card-Acquiring Services

    The U.K. Payment Systems Regulator has launched a consultation on the PSR's proposed approach to assessing the profitability of card-acquiring service providers for U.K. merchants and consumers. The Consultation Paper may be of particular interest to providers of card-acquiring services, merchant trade bodies and merchants, as well as card scheme operators and issuers. Responses to the consultation should be submitted by August 1, 2019. Following the consultation, the PSR intends to publish a report setting out its interim conclusions on the supply of card-acquiring services.

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  • UK Competition Authority To Review Retail Banking Market Investigation Rules

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has announced its decision to review Part 6 of the Retail Banking Market Investigation Order 2017. Part 6 requires providers of personal current account services to establish a system of alerts to their customers notifying them of specified information, including that the customer's account has exceeded a pre-agreed credit limit.

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Publishes First Annual Perimeter Report

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has published its first annual perimeter report, which (i) describes the boundaries of the FCA's regulatory oversight, (ii) considers challenges to the regulatory perimeter and (iii) sets out its aims for the future. The motivations behind the report include recent high profile controversies involving firms on the periphery of the FCA's regulatory perimeter (including London Capital & Finance which issued non-transferable bonds to consumers), innovations in technology that test the boundaries of the perimeter and the post-Brexit future of U.K. financial regulation.

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  • UK Competition and Markets Authority Targets Anti-Competitive Practices in Investment Consultancy and Fiduciary Management Services

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has issued the Investment Consultancy and Fiduciary Management Market Investigation Order 2019. This is U.K. secondary legislation intended to combat anti-competitive practices in the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy and fiduciary management services to and by the pension schemes they advise. The Order was made on June 10, 2019 and enters into force on December 10, 2019. It follows the CMA's consultation on a draft version of the Order that was published for review by interested parties on February 12, 2019. In the final Order, the CMA has endeavoured to resolve a number of the issues raised in response to the consultation. These include amending the Competitive Tender Process as originally drafted by imposing a less stringent "reasonable endeavours" obligation on trustees who are required to obtain bids from three or more unrelated Fiduciary Management Providers, and excluding in-house investment advice or fiduciary management functions from the scope of the Order.

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  • Final Investment Consultancy and Fiduciary Management Market Investigation Order Published

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published the final Investment Consultancy and Fiduciary Management Market Investigation Order 2019. The Order imposes legal obligations on pension scheme trustees, investment consultancy firms and fiduciary management providers, implementing the CMA's remedies to its finding of an adverse effect on competition in both the investment consultancy and fiduciary management markets. On February 11, 2019, the CMA published a draft Order for comment, and the responses to the draft Order have been published alongside the Order.

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    Topics : CompetitionFunds
  • European Commission Investigates Anti-Competitive EU Loan Syndication

    A report examining competition within the European syndicated loan market has been published, following a call by the European Commission for an examination of the sector. The report was prepared at the request of the Commission by consultancy firm Europe Economics with input from boutique competition law firm Euclid Law.

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  • UK Competition Authority Consults on Draft Investment Consultancy and Fiduciary Management Market Investigation Order 2019

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published for consultation a draft Investment Consultancy and Fiduciary Management Market Investigation Order 2019. The draft Order is intended to implement the remedies proposed by the CMA in its Final Report on the Investment Consultancy and Fiduciary Management Market Investigation, published on December 12, 2018. Any feedback on the draft Order should be provided by March 13, 2019.

    View the draft Order.

    View the explanatory note to the draft Order.

    View the notice of an intention to make an Order.

    View details of the CMA's Final Report.
    Topics : CompetitionFunds
  • UK Competition Authority Publishes Final Report on the Investment Consultants Market Investigation

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published its Final Report on the Investment Consultants Market Investigation. The Investigation assessed the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services. In its Provisional Decision Report, published on July 18, 2018, the CMA concluded that there is an adverse effect on competition which may result in material detriment to customers in both the investment consultancy and fiduciary management markets, although there are more concerns with the fiduciary management market. This finding is confirmed in the Final Report.

    In investment consultancy, the CMA considers that there is a low level of engagement by some customers in choosing and monitoring their provider. In addition, some customers may have difficulty in accessing and assessing the information needed to evaluate the quality of their existing investment consultant and identifying whether it would be to their advantage to use an alternative provider.

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    Topics : CompetitionFunds
  • UK Competition Authority Opens Investigation Into Possible Anti-Competitive Practices

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has announced that it opened an investigation into suspected anti-competitive practices in the financial services sector on November 13, 2018. The investigation is at a very early phase, and the CMA does not consider that at this stage a statement of objections can be issued to any of the parties under investigation. Between now and August 2019 the CMA will be gathering information on the suspected infringement of the Competition Act 1998.

    View the announcement.
    Topic : Competition
  • UK Competition and Markets Authority Consults on Draft Definitions in Investment Consultants Market Investigation

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published a consultation entitled "Draft definitions of Investment Consultancy services and Fiduciary Management for the purposes of potential remedies," under its Market Investigation into these sectors. The CMA is in the process of reviewing the submissions made in response to the Provisional Decision Report it published in July 2018.

    The consultation paper contains working draft definitions of "investment consultancy services" and "fiduciary management services" for the purposes of the remedies that the CMA may impose in any Order following the publication of its final report. The CMA seeks only high-level comments on the draft decisions. It proposes to consult separately in due course on any draft Order it may make.

    Comments on the consultation are invited by November 9, 2018.

    The CMA's final report on its Market Investigation is currently scheduled for publication in December 2018.

    View the consultation paper.

    View details of the July 2018 Provisional Decision Report.
    Topic : Competition
  • UK Competition and Markets Authority Consults on Further Working Paper in Investment Consultants Market Investigation

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published an updated working paper on its "market outcomes" analysis, following responses to its July 2018 consultation on its Provisional Decision Report on its Market Investigation into the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services.

    The updated analysis covers: (a) gains from engagement—the impact of engagement on the fees paid by fiduciary management and investment consultancy customers; and (b) the relationship between quality and market success—the relationship between quality of service and market shares for a sample of investment consultancy firms. The CMA has also published a final notice of its intention to operate a confidentiality ring in respect of specified data submitted by respondents to the Provisional Decision Report. Access to the confidentiality ring will be granted to a limited number of approved external legal and/or economic advisers of certain parties. The confidentiality ring will operate from 9:30am on October 29, 2018 until 5:00pm on November 5, 2018.

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Conduct Regulator Publishes Finalized Approach to Competition

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has published its finalized Approach to Competition, following feedback to its consultation between December 2017 and March 2018 on a draft of its approach document. The FCA's Approach to Competition should be read alongside the FCA Mission, which was first published in October 2016.

    In the approach document, the FCA outlines its "competition objective" of promoting effective competition in the interests of consumers in particular markets and its "competition duty," which requires it to discharge its general functions in a way that promotes effective competition in the interests of consumers. It then explains how it advances its competition objective by: (i) using market studies to examine market structures and dynamics and imposing rule changes to improve consumer outcomes if necessary; (ii) using its powers under the Competition Act 1998 to investigate anti-competitive behavior under U.K. and EU law; and (iii) implementing regulation with the aim of supporting competition in the interests of consumers.

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Payment Systems Regulator Will Review Supply of Card-Acquiring Services

    The U.K. Payment Systems Regulator has published for consultation its draft terms of reference for a planned market review into the supply of card-acquiring services in the U.K. Merchants that accept card payments from customers purchase card-acquiring services from specialist providers to enable card payments to be accepted and processed on their behalf. The market review is a response to concerns raised by stakeholders that the supply of these services may not be working well for some merchants and, ultimately, consumers.

    The market review will examine: (i) the nature and characteristics of card-acquiring services; (ii) the providers of these services and how their market shares have developed historically; (iii) how merchants buy card-acquiring services; (iv) the availability of credible alternatives to card-acquiring services for some or all merchants; and (v) how competition is working in the sector, including looking at issues around the fees merchants pay and the quality of service they receive.

    The PSR is inviting feedback on its draft terms of reference until September 14, 2018. The PSR intends to publish finalized terms of reference, including a timetable for the review, before the end of 2018.

    View the draft terms of reference for the review (MR 18/1.1).
  • UK Competition Authority Consults on Proposed Remedies to Adverse Competition in the Investment Consultancy and Fiduciary Management Markets

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published a Provisional Decision Report in respect of the Investment Consultants Market Investigation in which it is assessing the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services. The CMA has already published several working papers and an Issues Statement as part of the investigation.

    The Provisional Decision Report sets out the CMA's assessment of the investment consultancy and fiduciary management markets, its general conclusions on competition, its provisional decision on competition and provisional remedies to address the identified competition issues. The CMA's provisional finding is that there is an adverse effect on competition which may result in material detriment to customers in both the investment consultancy and fiduciary management markets, although there are more concerns with the fiduciary management market.

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    Topics : CompetitionFunds
  • UK Conduct Regulator Publishes Interim Report on Investment Platforms Market Study

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has published an Interim report as part of its market study to ascertain whether competition between investment platforms is working in the interests of consumers. The FCA launched the investment platforms market study in July 2017 after potential competition issues in the sector were highlighted in the course of its asset management market study, on which it issued its final report in June 2017.

    The FCA has been assessing competition in the sector by exploring a range of areas, namely: barriers to entry and expansion; business models; platform profitability; the impact of financial advisers; and consumer preferences and behaviour. Noting the increasing vertical integration in the sector, the FCA has also been examining commercial relationships between platforms, asset managers, discretionary investment managers and financial advisers.

    The FCA has found that the market appears largely to be working well for both advised and non-advised consumers and that customer satisfaction is currently high. However, the FCA has found that there are some customers for whom the market is not working as well as it should. The interim report highlights the issues the FCA has identified and consults on proposed remedies. The report is supported by eight annexes covering elements of the FCA's research and findings so far.

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    Topics : CompetitionFundsMiFID II
  • UK Competition and Markets Authority to Impose Confidentiality Ring for Provisional Decision Report on the Investment Consultants Market Investigation

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published a notice of intention to operate a confidentiality ring, following publication of the Provisional Decision Report on the Investment Consultants Market Investigation. The CMA is assessing the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services. As part of the investigation, the CMA has received information and/or data from a number of parties. This data has been used by the CMA in the investigation, in particular in preparing the Provisional Decision Report, which will be published in mid-July 2018. The notice:
    • provides a description of the data that has been used;
    • sets the timing of the confidentiality ring - from 9.30 am on the date of publication of the Provisional Decision Report until 5 pm on the date five weeks thereafter; and
    • stipulates the access conditions under the confidentiality ring, including completion of an undertaking by those wishing to access the confidentiality ring, the form of which is set out in an annex.

    View the CMA's notice.

    View the form of undertaking.
    Topics : CompetitionFunds
  • UK Regulator Provides Update on its Retail Banking Business Model Review

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has published a Progress Report on its Strategic Review of Retail Banking Business Models. The FCA launched the Review in April 2017 and published a purpose and scope document in October 2017. The FCA is conducting the Review to gain a picture of how profits are generated by the sector, of the relative competitive advantages and disadvantages of different business models and of barriers to entry and expansion. The Review covers retail banking services to personal and small business customers. It focuses on the products and services that are used on a regular basis by large numbers of consumers and small businesses. This includes current accounts, savings products, mortgages, personal loans, credit cards, and business finance.

    The FCA explains that its early analysis indicates that a key component of the competitive advantage enjoyed by retail banks to date has been the combination of personal current accounts and large branch networks. This combination has brought a number of benefits including a funding cost advantage (from personal current accounts paying zero interest or lower interest than other providers), significant additional income from fees and charges on personal current accounts (including overdrafts), the opportunity to cross-sell lending products to personal current account holders and the ability to cross-sell business accounts and associated business savings balances.

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  • UK Competition and Markets Authority Issues Working Paper on Gains from Engagement as Part of Its Investment Consultants Market Investigation

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has issued the latest in a series of working papers as part of its Investment Consultants Market Investigation. This latest Working Paper sets out the CMA's findings following its analysis of whether pension schemes that are more engaged with the market receive better outcomes, in terms of price, than pension schemes that are less engaged. It should be read alongside the Issues Statement on the investigation, published in September 2017, as well as the other working papers, published earlier in 2018.

    The CMA's emerging findings are that engaged schemes pay significantly less, and disengaged schemes pay significantly more, when schemes transition into fiduciary management with the same provider as they used for investment consultancy services. The CMA believes that this is indicative that the market is not working well for disengaged schemes, or for schemes facing barriers to engagement.

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Competition and Markets Authority Consults Further on Aspects of the Investment Consultants Market Investigation

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published three more consultative working papers as part of its Investment Consultants Market Investigation. The CMA is assessing the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services. These working papers should be read alongside the Issues Statement on the investigation, published in September 2017, as well as the other working papers, published earlier this year.

    The first working paper is on barriers to entry and expansion in the investment consultancy and fiduciary management sectors. The paper sets out the CMA's emerging findings, focusing on the financial and other costs of entry and expansion. The CMA has neither identified, nor concluded whether there is, any adverse effect on competition in relation to barriers to entry or expansion. The CMA's separate emerging finding in relation to new market entrants is that the barriers are not excessively high but are greater in the fiduciary management sector than in the investment consultancy sector. In relation to barriers to expansion, the CMA's emerging finding is that the potential barriers to winning new clients are greater than the barriers to new entry and are also greater in the fiduciary management sector than in the investment consultancy sector.

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Competition Authority Consults on Trustee Engagement With Investment Consultancy and Fiduciary Management

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published a working paper seeking views on its initial analysis on trustee engagement with investment consultancy and fiduciary management service providers. This is the fourth working paper in the CMA's Investment Consultants Market Investigation in which it is assessing the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services. The working paper should be read alongside the Issues Statement on the investigation, published in September 2017. The intention to publish a series of working papers on aspects of the investigation was outlined in a progress report in February 2018. The first working paper, relating to information on fees and quality, was published on March 1, 2018. The second working paper, on asset manager product recommendations, was published on March 22, 2018. The third working paper was published on March 29, 2018 and covered competition issues that may arise when firms offer both investment consultancy and fiduciary management services. This working paper builds on the CMA's second working paper, analyzing the information available to pension trustees on the fees and quality of investment consultants and fiduciary managers.

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Finalizes Rules Enhancing Governance of Authorized Fund Managers

    The Financial Conduct Authority has published a Policy Statement and final rules relating to strengthening the governance arrangements of U.K. authorized fund managers. The need to enhance these arrangements was identified by the FCA in the Asset Management Market Study launched in 2015. The final AMMS report was published in June 2017 and set out remedies the FCA intended to implement to address identified issues. At the same time, the FCA published a consultation paper on the first set of proposals.

    The Policy Statement sets out the FCA's response to the feedback on its proposals and the final rules and guidance. The new rules and guidance applies to U.K. AFMs in relation to their management of authorized funds (that is, authorized open-ended collective investment schemes). The rules will apply either on April 1, 2019 or on September 30, 2019, depending on the lead time that the FCA considers the industry needs to implement the required changes.

    Read more for a summary of the FCA's decision on the various consultation points. 
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Consults on Proposals to Improve Disclosure to Fund Investors by Authorized Fund Managers

    The Financial Conduct Authority has published a second consultation paper on remedies arising out of the Asset Management Market Study. This consultation concerns improving disclosure by authorized fund managers to their investors and should be read with the Policy Statement, final rules and revised guidance on enhanced governance arrangements for U.K. AFMs, which were published alongside the consultation paper. The FCA is proposing:
    • new guidance on how AFMs should make fund objectives and investment policies clear and more useful for investors;
    • new rules requiring managers to be clear about why (or why not) a benchmark has been used and how investors should assess the performance of the fund;
    • new rules requiring AFMs that use benchmarks to use and reference them consistently across marketing materials;
    • new rules requiring that where managers present past performance they must do so in an appropriate and consistent manner; and
    • amending the performance fee rules to require that performance fees be calculated on performance net of other fees.
    The proposed rules would apply to AFMs in respect of their management of authorized funds. Responses to the consultation should be submitted by July 5, 2018.

    View the second consultation on remedies arising from the AMMS.

    View details of the Policy Statement and final rules.

    View the AMMS final report and the first consultation paper.
  • UK Authority Considers Competition Issues Arising From the Provision of Investment Consultancy Services and Fiduciary Management Services

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published the third in a series of working papers on specific aspects of its market investigation into the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services. The working paper should be read alongside the Issues Statement on the investigation, which was published in September 2017. The intention to publish a series of working papers on aspects of the investigation was outlined in a progress report in February 2018. The first working paper, relating to information on fees and quality, was published on March 1, 2018. The second working paper on asset manager product recommendations was published on March 22, 2018.

    The third working paper provides the CMA's initial analysis of competition issues arising when firms offer both investment consultancy and fiduciary management services, in particular, where customers receiving investment consultancy services are directed towards a firm's fiduciary management services. The CMA is concerned that customers may not always receive the solution or deal that is in their best interests. In addition, conflicts of interest may arise between the firm and its clients. The CMA is of the view that it is not clear whether existing regulation fully addresses these potential conflicts of interest.

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Competition and Markets Authority Publishes Second Working Paper on its Investment Consultancy Investigation

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published the second in a series of working papers on specific aspects of its market investigation into the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services. The working paper should be read alongside the Issues Statement on the investigation, which was published in September 2017. The intention to publish a series of working papers on aspects of the investigation was outlined in a progress report in February 2018. The first working paper, relating to information on fees and quality, was published on March 1, 2018.

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Competition and Markets Authority Publishes Working Paper on its Investment Consultancy Investigation

    As part of its market investigation into the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services, the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published the first in a series of working papers on specific aspects of the investigation, as envisaged by the progress report it published in February 2018. The working paper sets out the CMA’s analysis and emerging findings to date in respect of the information available to pension trustees on the fees and quality of investment consultants and fiduciary managers. It should be read together with the issues statement for the investigation, which was published in September 2017. The working paper also provides an update on the CMA’s developing thinking on potential remedies that might be applied in the event that the CMA was to find an adverse effect on competition. Remedies being considered by the CMA include guidance and off-the-shelf materials for running better tenders, standardised information for prospective clients in response to tenders, better fee information, standardised performance metrics and stronger service quality metrics.

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Competition Authority Updates Stakeholders on the Investment Consultants Market Investigation

    Following a market investigation reference from the Financial Conduct Authority in September 2017, the Competition and Markets Authority has published a progress report on the Investment Consultants Market Investigation that it is carrying out into the supply of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services to, or the acquisition of such services by, institutional investors and employers. The institutional investors who use investment consultancy services are mainly pension schemes but also include charities, insurance companies and endowment funds.

    The progress report sets out the steps that the CMA has taken to date, such as the publication of the Issues Statement in October 2017, the hearings it has held and the visits it has made to the three largest investment consultants. The report also provides a list of working papers that the CMA intends to publish in the next few months, which will provide the CMA's emerging thinking on specific areas of the Investigation, such as information on fees and quality of service that investment consultants and fiduciary managers provide to current and prospective clients, the performance of investment consultants' recommended asset managers, conflicts of interest and market concentration. The CMA also confirms, as proposed in the Issues Statement, that the Investigation will focus on pension schemes as clients of investment consultants and fiduciary managers.

    The CMA will publish a Provisional Decision report in July 2018, to which interested stakeholders can provide feedback in advance of the publication of the final report in March 2019.

    View the progress report.

    View the Issues Statement.
    Topic : Competition
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Moots Global Sandbox

    The Financial Conduct Authority has issued a questionnaire on whether a global regulatory sandbox for fintech and other innovative businesses would be beneficial and how it would operate. The FCA set up the United Kingdom's Regulatory Sandbox in 2016 to provide a controlled environment for firms looking to develop and launch innovative businesses models. Similar sandboxes have been introduced in other countries as diverse as the United States, Australia, Bahrain, the Abu Dhabi Global Market, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Canada and Singapore. Other countries have officially announced the establishment of a sandbox or are in the process of setting up their sandbox.

    The FCA considers that a global sandbox could allow firms to conduct tests in different jurisdictions at the same time. It could also bring regulators together to identify and work on solutions to common cross-border regulatory issues. Recognizing that establishing a global sandbox would be an enormous task, the FCA also suggests, as an interim measure, the establishment of an international college of regulators with innovation or sandbox models, so that firms could access multiple regulators simultaneously. This approach would also allow the regulators to share and learn from each other about new innovative business models.

    The FCA requests feedback on the ideas by March 2, 2018. The FCA expects to provide an update on the global sandbox proposition later in March 2018.

    View the FCA webpage.

    View the questionnaire.
    Topics : CompetitionFinTech
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Elaborates on its Mission and Consults on Approaches to Competition and Authorization

    The UK Financial Conduct Authority has published two consultations, seeking feedback on draft documents setting out its regulatory approach to authorization and competition. The two documents, once finalized, will form part of a series of formal approach documents explaining the FCA's approach to regulation in more depth. They should be read alongside the FCA's Mission document, which was first published in October 2016 and most recently updated in November 2017.

    In the consultation on its approach to authorization, the FCA explains the public value and purpose of requiring authorization to conduct regulated financial services activities and the FCA's current approach to authorizing firms and individuals. The FCA seeks feedback on four questions: (i) understanding of the Threshold Conditions that firms and individuals must meet for authorization, and any areas where the FCA might be more specific; (ii) how the FCA might improve its approach to supporting firms and individuals to meet the minimum standards and how the FCA might better promote competition; (iii) whether the FCA has suggested the correct commitments to firms making authorization applications and what other commitments could be made; and (iv) whether the FCA has prioritized the right strategic goals, and, if not, what additional goals could add the most public value to the FCA's work.

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  • UK Competition & Markets Authority Consults on Upcoming Focus Areas

    The UK Competition & Markets Authority has launched a consultation on its proposed focus areas for 2018/2019. The consultation paper sets out the CMA's draft plans and priorities and a number of key commitments and initiatives across the areas of: markets and mergers, CMA development and resources, enforcement and preparing for the UK's exit from the EU. The CMA proposes, among other things, to deal with a higher volume of enforcement cases, advance consumer protection, support business compliance, consider specific markets or practices, enhance its processes around assessing mergers, improve the effects of remedies by conducting evaluations of previous projects, enhance its operational effectiveness by establishing a new digital team and to continue its preparation for Brexit. The CMA has secured additional funding for the 2017/2018 financial year to enable it to prepare for the anticipated increase in cases that will fall within the CMA's remit post-Brexit. The CMA notes that the additional £2.8 million funding per year from 2018/19, allocated in the Autumn budget, will enable it to initiate more enforcement cases against companies allegedly acting unfairly.

    The consultation closes on January 14, 2018. The CMA intends to publish its final Annual Plan in March 2018.

    View the consultation paper.
    Topic : Competition
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Alleges Breach of Competition Law By Four Asset Management Firms

    The Financial Conduct Authority has published a Statement of Objections issued to four asset management firms under the Competition Act 1998. Using its competition enforcement powers for the first time, the FCA alleges that Artemis Investment Management LLP, Hargreave Hale Ltd, Newton Investment Management Limited and River & Mercantile Asset Management LLP shared information by exchanging information concerning the price they intended to pay in relation to initial public offerings and a placing, shortly before the prices were set. The FCA's provisional view is that they have infringed competition law. The firms have the opportunity to respond to the allegations. Individuals that could materially assist in the FCA's assessment of the case may request a non-confidential version of the statement of objections from FCA by no later than January 12, 2018.

    View the FCA's Statement of Objections.
    Topic : Competition
  • UK Regulator Outlines Scope of Retail Banking Business Model Review

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has published a paper outlining the purpose and scope of its strategic review of retail banking business models. The FCA launched the strategic review in April 2017 in order to deepen its understanding of retail banking business models generally. The FCA also wants to gain an understanding of how changes such as increased use of digital services and reduced use of branches have impacted on banks’ business models and whether this might have implications for the FCA's consumer protection and competition objectives. The strategic review will also help the FCA to understand how free-if-in-credit banking is paid for and whether this gives rise to concerns about the distribution of profits from different types of consumers or different products.

    The paper outlines how the FCA uses business model analysis in conduct and competition regulation before discussing how the face of retail banking is changing. A new environment has emerged due to the rise of challenger banks in response to macroeconomic, technological and regulatory changes, the profound effect of technology on costs and customer behaviour, the effect of recent regulatory changes on competition and the expected significant increase in competition that will be brought about by the Competition and Markets Authority's Open Banking initiative and the implementation revised Payment Services Directive.

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  • UK Competition and Markets Authority Highlights Potential Issues in Investment Consultancy and Fiduciary Management

    Following a market investigation reference from the Financial Conduct Authority, the Competition and Markets Authority has published the issues statement for the market investigation it is carrying out into the supply of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services to, or the acquisition of such services by, institutional investors and employers.

    The CMA's issues statement sets out its general approach to the market investigation and outlines potential issues and possible remedies that might be put in place if competition issues are found. In particular, the CMA focuses on: (i) whether difficulties in customers' ability to assess, compare and switch investment consultants means that investment consultants have little incentive to compete for customers; (ii) whether conflicts of interest on the part of investment consultants reduce the quality and/or value for money of services provided to customers; and (iii) whether barriers to entry and expansion mean there are fewer challengers to put pressure on the established investment consultants to be competitive , which could lead to worse outcomes for customers.

    The CMA is requesting feedback on the issues statement by October 12, 2017.

    View the Statement of Issues.

    View the CMA Case Page.

    View the CMA Press Release.
    Topic : Competition
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Makes Market Investigation Reference for Investment Consultancy and Fiduciary Management Services


    The Financial Conduct Authority has made a market investigation reference to the Competition and Markets Authority in relation to investment consultancy and fiduciary management services. The institutional investors who use investment consultancy services are mainly pension schemes but also include charities, insurance companies and endowment funds.

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    Topic : Competition
  • Financial Conduct Authority Sets Out Terms of Reference for Investment Platform Market Study

    Following on from the final report of its Asset Management Market Study in June 2017, which highlighted potential competition issues in the investment platforms sector, the Financial Conduct Authority has published the terms of reference for its investment platform market study. The market study will involve a number of different areas in order that the FCA can ascertain whether competition between platforms is working in the interests of consumers. The FCA intends to look into competition in the sector by exploring the following areas: barriers to entry and expansion; business models; platform profitability; the impact of financial advisers; and consumer preferences and behaviour. Noting the increasing vertical integration in the sector, the FCA will also consider commercial relationships between platforms, asset managers, discretionary investment managers and financial advisers given the potential of these relationships to distort competition. The market study will include all firms offering retail investment products through online portals. It will also include product and wrapper providers that use platforms to distribute their products, fund rating and data providers and the technology providers to whom platforms outsource services.

    Comments on the terms of reference are invited by September 8, 2017. The FCA expects to publish an interim report in Summer 2018.

    View the Terms of Reference.
    Topic : Competition
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Publishes Final Asset Management Market Study Report

    The Financial Conduct Authority has published the final report of the Asset Management Market Study it launched in November 2015. The object of the AMMS was to investigate three core areas: (i) how asset managers compete to deliver value; (ii) whether asset managers are willing and able to control costs and quality along the value chain; and (iii) how investment consultants affect competition for institutional asset management. Furthermore, the FCA wanted to look at whether there are any barriers to innovation that prevent investors from obtaining better results. The FCA published an interim AMMS report in November 2016 which set out the FCA's provisional assessment of the way competition works for asset management services, the consequences for investors and the FCA's proposed remedies to tackle the issues.

    The final AMMS report confirms the FCA's interim findings and proposes a package of remedies. The FCA has divided the remedies into three buckets: (i) remedies on which it has published a consultation alongside the final report; (ii) final remedies; and (iii) remedies on which it intends to consult later.

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  • UK Regulator Consults on Persistent Debt and Earlier Intervention Remedies as Part of Credit Card Market Study

    The Financial Conduct Authority has published a consultation paper on persistent credit card debt and earlier intervention remedies. The remedies and interventions outlined in the consultation paper form part of the overall package of remedies announced by the FCA in July 2016 in its credit card market study final findings report. The FCA then concluded that competition was working fairly well for the 30 million consumers who hold a credit card. However, the FCA expressed significant concerns regarding the scale, extent and the nature of persistent credit card debt and the limited incentives provided by firms to reduce this.

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  • UK Payment Systems Regulator Consults Further Remedies for Competition Issues Relating to Bank Ownership of Payment Infrastructure 

    The Payment Systems Regulator published proposals for remedying the lack of competition in the provision of UK payments central infrastructure for Bacs, FPS and LINK which means that the incumbent provider, VocaLink, faces limited competitive pressure and minimal incentives to provide more efficient and innovative services. 
    The PSR published its final report on its market review into the ownership and payment infrastructure competitiveness in the UK on July 28, 2016. The final report identified the competition issues and outlined potential remedies, including undertaking competitive procurement exercises, such as issuing guidance and requiring operators of payment service providers to follow a prescribed set of processes and implementing enhanced interoperability, including a common international messaging standard, for Bacs and FPS, and divestment by the four largest shareholders in VocaLink. Following feedback to those initial proposals, the PSR is now consulting on mandating competitive procurement exercises for Bacs, FPS and LINK when the operators of these systems purchase central infrastructure services and introducing the ISO 20022 messaging standard in future procurements for Bacs and FPS. 

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  • Steps Taken to Implement the Remedies Emerging from the UK's Retail Banking Market Investigation 

    The UK's Competition & Markets Authority published proposals for the implementation of certain remedies to counter the adverse effects on competition which were identified in the CMA's final report on the retail banking market investigation. The CMA published its final report into the supply of retail banking services to personal current account customers and small and banking services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK in August 2016. In that report, the CMA made several recommendations, including the introduction of Open Banking, a single digital application that allows customers to manage their accounts with multiple providers. In response to that recommendation, the nine providers identified in the CMA's report have made proposals for the structure, membership, governance and funding arrangements of the Implementation Entity. It is proposed, amongst other things, that the Implementation Entity's Steering Group would comprise the nine providers as well as representatives of FinTechs, smaller "challenger" banks and payment service providers. Andrew Pinder has already been appointed as Implementation Trustee and will oversee the work of the Implementation Entity. Comments on the Implementation Entity proposals should be provided to the CMA by October 21, 2016. 

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Competition and Markets Authority Final Report on Retail Banking Market Investigation 

    The UK Competition and Markets Authority published its final report on its market investigation into the supply of retail banking services to personal current account customers and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK. The report outlines its findings and a proposed package of remedies. The CMA aims to implement all elements of the package by the end of September 2018.  

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    Topic : Competition
  • UK Regulator Reports on Credit Card Market

    The Financial Conduct Authority published its final report outlining findings from its credit card market study. The FCA credit card market study was launched in November 2014. The purpose of the study was to analyze the credit card market and determine whether it is working in the interest of consumers and to develop remedies to improve the situation if needed. Interim findings were published in November 2015 with potential remedies mooted for certain issues such as the frequent withdrawal of firms’ promotional offers and the fees associated with a single month’s missed payment. The final report summarizes feedback received on the interim report and outlines the FCA’s package of remedies.
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