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Financial Regulatory Developments Focus
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The following posts provide a snapshot of selected UK, EU and global financial regulatory developments of interest to banks, investment firms, broker-dealers, market infrastructures, asset managers and corporates.

  • UK Financial Conduct Authority policy statement on reforming commodity derivatives regulatory framework
    5 February 2025

    The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published a policy statement (PS25/1) on reforming the commodity derivatives regulatory framework. The policy statement sets out the FCA's response to feedback on its consultation paper on the subject (CP23/27) and includes its final rules and guidance to be included in the FCA Handbook. Key changes made in response to the consultation feedback include: Scope of the position limits regime: the regime will be limited to the 14 critical contacts consulted on, including LME Aluminium and LME Tin. However, the approach to contracts that are closely related to these critical contracts but outside the scope of position limits will be less prescriptive than consulted on, allowing trading venues more discretion to calibrate scope. Exemptions: the FCA's proposed requirement for trading venues to only grant the hedging exemption where they are satisfied that the exempt positions can reasonably be managed—the so-called risk management condition—is being amended to be less prescriptive. Non-financial entities will no longer be required to submit a detailed stress test.

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    Topics : DerivativesMiFID II
  • UK Financial Markets Standards Board updated final statement of good practice for front office supervision of wholesale traded markets
    January 8, 2025

    The Financial Markets Standards Board has published its updated final statement of good practice for front office supervision of wholesale traded markets. The statement of good practice sets out 15 good practice statements, grouped under five themes, to support firms with their approach to supervision of market and client-facing activities. The statement of good practice represents an update to FMSB's original 2017 publication on front office supervision and includes new guidance to help firms meet challenges to supervision that have emerged since then amid evolving regulation, new working practices, and technological change.

    Significant updates include good practice guidance around:
    • Establishing clearer support for the role of a supervision framework.
    • Clarifying the concepts of supervision, responsibility and controls.
    • Specifying the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor and the standards expected.
    • Providing clarity around reasonable spans of supervision.
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    Topic : MiFID II
  • EU launches selection procedure for Consolidated Tape Provider for bonds
    31 December, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has launched the first selection procedure for the Consolidated Tape Provider for bonds. The CTP aims to enhance market transparency and efficiency by consolidating trade data from various trading venues into a single and continuous electronic stream. ESMA believes that this consolidated view of market activity should help market participants to access accurate and timely information and make better-informed decisions, leading to more efficient price discovery and trading.

    Entities interested in applying are encouraged to register and submit their requests to participate in the selection procedure by February 7, 2025. ESMA will assess the received requests against the exclusion and selection criteria and will invite the successful candidates to submit their application. ESMA intends to adopt a reasoned decision on the selected applicant by early July. The successful applicant will be selected to operate the CTP for a period of five years, and invited to apply for authorization with ESMA without undue delay. Once authorized, the CTP will be supervised by ESMA. Further information about the process is available on the dedicated webpage.
    Topic : MiFID II
  • European Securities and Markets Authority consults on EU code of conduct for issuer-sponsored research
    December 18, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published a consultation on draft regulatory technical standards to establish an EU code of conduct for issuer-sponsored research. When final, the RTS will supplement the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, as amended by the Listing Act Directive, which provides that investment firms distributing to clients or potential clients research that is paid for, fully or partially, by an issuer, is labelled as issuer-sponsored research. Only research that is prepared in accordance with an EU code of practice may be labelled issuer-sponsored research. The code of conduct sets out standards of independence and objectivity for research providers and specifies procedures and measures for the effective identification, prevention, and disclosure of conflicts of interest, with a view to enhancing the trust in and use of issuer-sponsored research.

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    Topic : MiFID II
  • EU Platform on Sustainable Finance report on categorization of products under Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
    December 17, 2024

    The EU Platform on Sustainable Finance has published a report on the categorization of products under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. The Platform recommends categorizing products with the following sustainability strategies:
    • sustainable — contributions through Taxonomy-aligned Investments or Sustainable Investments with no significant harmful activities, or assets based on a more concise definition consistent with the EU Taxonomy;
    • transition — investments or portfolios supporting the transition to net zero and a sustainable economy, avoiding carbon lock-ins, in line with the European Commission's recommendations on facilitating finance for the transition to a sustainable economy; and
    • ESG collection — excluding significantly harmful investments/activities, investing in assets with better environmental and/or social criteria or applying various sustainability features. All other products should be identified as unclassified products.

    The Platform recommends evaluating whether the scope of the categorization should go beyond the current SFDR, potentially categorizing all products and services under sustainability preferences in the Insurance Distribution Directive and the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive. The Platform also recommends that the European Commission develops a common understanding on impact investing in the EU sustainable finance framework and how it relates to the EU Taxonomy and thereafter determines how to integrate it in the categorization scheme.
  • European Securities and Markets Authority publishes final report on bond transparency and 'reasonable commercial basis' for market data under MiFIR Review
    December 16, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published its final report covering mandates under the MiFIR Review for the review of the regulatory technical standards on transparency requirements for bonds, structured finance products and emission allowances, and the RTS on the "reasonable commercial basis" upon which firms should provide market data.

    Regarding the non-equity transparency requirements set out in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/583, the draft RTS propose amendments to: (i) the pre-trade transparency requirements, in particular in relation to the definition and characteristics of central limit order books and periodic auctions; (ii) the pre-trade waiver regime; (iii) the deferral regime for bonds, structured finance products, and emission allowances; and (iv) specific transparency fields and flags.

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    Topic : MiFID II
  • European Securities and Markets Authority publishes final report on equity transparency under revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
    December 16, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published a final report, setting out proposals for amendments related to equity transparency under the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive. The report includes proposals for the amendment of the regulatory technical standards as well as the technical advice on the provisions on equity transparency, covering: (i) changes to the definition of a liquid market for equity instruments. The new liquidity assessment for shares is now solely based on the market capitalization instead of the free-float; (ii) specification of information to be disclosed for pre-trade transparency purposes, which is also of relevance for the equity consolidated tape; (iii) review of the pre-trade transparency requirements for systematic internalizers, including the calibration of two quoting sizes; and (iv) post-trade transparency reports, including flags for equity instruments. In addition, the proposals include changes related to the discontinuation of reporting of data for the purpose of transparency calculations. Going forward, ESMA will perform these calculations using transaction data reported under Article 26 of MiFIR.

    The final report has been submitted to the EC, which has three months to decide whether to endorse the proposed amendments to the RTS. Similar amendments will be proposed in early 2025 for the volume cap mechanism.
    Topic : MiFID II
  • European Securities and Markets Authority publishes final report and technical standards on consolidated tape providers and data reporting service providers
    December 16, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published a final report on new and revised technical standards for consolidated tape providers and other data reporting services providers under the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation.

    The report covers the final regulatory technical standards applicable to CTPs on: (i) data quality and reporting (changes to ESMA's original proposal have been made regarding input data formats, CTPs' responsibilities on input data quality and latency requirements); (ii) revenue redistribution and authorization (refinements from ESMA's original proposal have been made to allow greater flexibility to the CTP when applying the revenue distribution scheme); and (iii) clock synchronization (which largely align with ESMA's original proposal). The report also includes revised Technical Standards on the authorization of DRSPs (which were largely as consulted on).

    The final report has been submitted to the European Commission, which has three months to decide whether to endorse the proposed amendments to the RTS.
    Topic : MiFID II
  • European Securities and Markets Authority publishes feedback statement on future selection of consolidated tape provider
    December 16, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published a feedback statement providing an overview of responses received from stakeholders to its public consultation on the future selection of consolidated tape providers. ESMA provides a detailed summary of the feedback collected for each of the selection criteria: (i) governance and organization requirements; (ii) costs, fees, and revenue redistribution; (iii) the ability to process data and dissemination speed; (iv) data quality, modern interface, and record-keeping; and (v) resilience, cyber-risk, and energy consumption.

    The final technical specifications will be made publicly available, together with general tendering specifications on the approach and standardized forms, at the launch of each selection procedure. ESMA will launch the selection procedures for the bonds CTP on January 3, 2025, and for the equity CTP in June 2025.
    Topic : MiFID II
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority publishes update on an equity consolidated tape
    December 16, 2024

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has published a final report commissioned from Europe Economics to evaluate the potential impacts of implementing a pre-trade equities consolidated tape in the U.K., together with an update responding to the findings of the report.

    The EE report made a number of findings, including with respect to the usefulness of post-trade data, the institutional and retail use of pre-trade data, the impact of pre-trade data on market resilience, and the licensing of market data. The FCA concludes that there is a strong case for establishing an equities CT (including ETFs) with post-trade data, covering traded prices and volumes, as soon as practicable. Many market participants also think that to reap the full benefits from a CT and ensure it is commercially viable, the inclusion of pre-trade data is necessary. EE's report shows that the demand for a pre-trade CT is dependent on its design features.

    The FCA will explore the different policy options for the U.K. equity CT and plans to engage with market participants on potential design options early in 2025, with a view to publishing a consultation paper later in the year. Potential CT providers that wish to participate in the FCA's engagement should respond to the call for interest by January 10, 2025. The FCA has also issued an invitation for potential CT providers to express their interest in providing an equity CT.
  • European Securities and Markets Authority publishes final report on amendments to certain technical standards for commodity derivatives
    December 16, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published a final report on proposed amendments to certain MiFID II technical standards in relation to commodity derivatives in response to amendments introduced by the MiFID II review. The final report details the proposed changes to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1299 (RTS on position management controls), Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1093 (ITS 4), and Article 83 on position reporting in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565.

    Changes relating to commodity derivatives introduced by the MiFID Review include: (i) extending position management controls to trading venues which trade derivatives on emission allowances; (ii) amending the scope of position reporting by excluding emission allowances; and (iii) introducing a new obligation to publish a second weekly position report for trading venues trading options.

    The final report has been submitted to the European Commission, which has three months to decide whether to endorse the proposed amendments to the technical standards.
    Topic : MiFID II
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Begins Process of Appointing a UK Bond Consolidated Tape Provider
    December 4, 2024

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has announced that it is starting the process of appointing a bond consolidated tape (CT) provider. It has published a concession notice that sets out the FCA's next steps for running the tender process and updated its related information page. By January 31, 2025, the FCA will publish draft tender documents on Atamis, the FCA's procurement portal which will contain details of the award process, the licences the successful bidder will need to provide, how to participate in the tender, and the information that the FCA expects firms to submit as part of the application process. The FCA will also publish a draft contract between the CT provider and the FCA. The CT provider is not required to go live before the bond transparency regime changes take effect on December 1, 2025.
    Topic : MiFID II
  • The Markets in Financial Instruments (Equivalence) (Singapore) Regulations 2024
    December 3, 2024

    The Markets in Financial Instruments (Equivalence) (Singapore) Regulations 2024 have been published, together with an explanatory memorandum and de minimis assessment. The Regulations set out HM Treasury's determination that Singapore's regulatory and supervisory regime for trading in derivatives continues to be equivalent to the U.K.'s under U.K. MiFIR and allows U.K. counterparties to fulfil their derivatives trading obligation when they trade derivatives instruments on trading venues in Singapore.

    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/541, granting equivalence to Singaporean trading venues became part of assimilated law in the U.K. under the EU Withdrawal Act. However, equivalence applies only to those authorized trading venues listed in the Decision's Annex. Since assimilation, seven additional trading venues have been authorized and therefore the Decision, at the request of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, needs to be re-enacted and updated.

    The Regulations come into force on December 31, 2024 and will replace the assimilated implementing decision, which will be revoked at the same time.
    Topics : DerivativesMiFID II
  • New UK Financial Conduct Authority Direction for the Derivatives Trading Obligation
    November 29, 2024

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has published a new direction for the U.K. derivatives trading obligation, together with an explanatory memorandum. The FCA's existing direction modifying the U.K. DTO using its Temporary Transitional Power expires on December 31, 2024. This allows firms subject to the U.K. DTO, trading with, or on behalf of, EU clients subject to the corresponding obligation under EU MiFIR, namely the EU DTO to be able to transact or conclude those trades on EU trading venues, providing that certain conditions are met. The purpose of this new direction is to provide continuity in the outcomes achieved through the TTP. In the continuing absence of mutual equivalence between the U.K. and the EU for the purposes of the U.K. DTO and EU DTO, certain market participants would be caught by a conflict of law between the U.K. DTO and EU DTO—in particular branches of EU firms in the U.K.—unless a new direction is issued. The new direction set out the same conditions as the existing direction, however the new direction only applies to derivatives subject to the DTO in both the U.K. and the EU. The new direction takes effect on the expiry of the previous one.
    Topics : DerivativesMiFID II
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Consults on the MiFID Organisational Regulation
    November 27, 2024

    The Financial Conduct Authority has published a consultation paper on the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive Organisational Regulation (MiFID Org Reg). The FCA is consulting on proposals to transfer the firm-facing requirements of the MiFID Org Reg into FCA Handbook rules when HM Treasury commences the repeal of the MiFID Org Reg. The FCA is proposing to retain the current substance of the requirements to provide continuity for firms. Provisions that the FCA is not replacing in regulatory rules will either be restated or repealed by HM Treasury to coincide with the Handbook rules coming into force, and HM Treasury will publish a draft statutory instrument setting out how the Government will deal with the non-firm-facing elements.

    The consultation paper also includes a discussion chapter about further reform, either now or in the future, to make the rules better suited to the range of U.K. licensed firms and their clients. This includes in circumstances where the Consumer Duty does not apply. It considers how the FCA could rationalize or improve MiFID II derived conduct and organizational rules, including for Article 3 firms. The FCA also discusses whether and how the client categorization rules could work more effectively.

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    Topic : MiFID II
  • International Organization of Securities Commissions Report on Principles for the Regulation and Supervision of Commodity Derivatives Markets
    November 25, 2024

    The International Organization of Securities Commissions has published a report on a targeted implementation review on principles for the regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets. In October, IOSCO conducted a targeted implementation review of five selected principles: Principles 9, 12, 14, 15, and 16 that aim to address excessive commodity market volatility, OTC derivatives transparency, and orderly functioning of the commodity derivatives markets. IOSCO believes that an appropriate implementation of the selected principles would help mitigate the impact of external factors which may disrupt commodity markets, as recently experienced. As such the report sets out IOSCO's recommendations to its members for improving the implementation of specific elements of the selected principles, as well as the intention to conduct further work in the OTC markets area.

    Overall, the survey results show that the majority of respondents were broadly compliant with the selected principles. However, both regulators and exchanges identified significant challenges in implementing certain elements of the selected principles within OTC markets. Based on the results of the review, IOSCO anticipates additional work related to the issues with the ability of exchanges and certain regulators to collect and aggregate, on both an ad hoc and regular basis, information about OTC positions. The specifics of this work are still being determined, but IOSCO is committed to ensuring that any future developments align with IOSCO's strategic goals.
    Topics : DerivativesMiFID II
  • International Organization of Securities Commissions' Final Report on Post Trade Risk Reduction Services
    November 25, 2024

    The International Organization of Securities Commissions has published its final report on post trade risk reduction services. The report highlights potential policy considerations and risks associated with the using and offering of PTRRS and presents seven sound practices in this area as guidance to IOSCO members and regulated users of PTRRS. The seven sound practices cover the following areas: (i) transparency, governance, comprehensibility, and fairness of the algorithm; (ii) operational risk; (iii) data integrity and security and regulatory data; (iv) legal certainty; (v) considerations of potential counterparty risk by IOSCO members and PTRRS users; (vi) market concentration and competition; and (vii) standardization and predictability of runs and file formats. The sound practices are designed to improve and complement existing market practices. The report reflects the results of the public consultation launched in January.
    Topics : DerivativesMiFID II
  • EU Listing Act Package Published in Official Journal of the European Union
    November 14, 2024

    The following legislation that comprises the EU Listing Act package has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union:
    • Regulation (EU) 2024/2809 amending the EU Prospectus Regulation, the EU MAR and EU MiFIR (the "Listing Regulation");
    • Directive (EU) 2024/2811 amending MiFID II and repealing Directive 2001/34/EC (the "Listing Directive"); and
    • Directive (EU) 2024/2810 on multiple-vote share structures (the "Multiple-Vote Shares Directive").

    The Listing Regulation and Directive aim to streamline the rules applicable to companies, particularly SMEs, going through a listing process or companies already listed on EU public markets, by alleviating administrative burdens and costs, while preserving a sufficient degree of transparency, investor protection and market integrity. The Listing Directive also amends the EU requirements on how payments are made for investment research. EU firms will be permitted to choose whether to make joint or separate payments for third-party research and execution services. This follows the U.K. change to its rules, which took effect in August. We discuss the EU and U.K. changes in our note, "UK allows bundled payments for third-party research and trading commissions."

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    Topics : MiFID IISecurities
  • Mansion House 2024
    November 14, 2024

    Rachel Reeves, the U.K. Chancellor has set out a package of reforms in her Mansion House speech. The reforms aim to drive growth and competitiveness in financial services. Ms. Reeves stated that the regulatory changes post-financial crisis created a system which sought to eliminate risk-taking that 'has gone too far' and has led to unintended consequences. Ms. Reeves hopes to maintain the U.K.'s high regulatory standards while rebalancing elements of the regulatory system to drive economic growth and competitiveness. 

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  • Mansion House: UK Government Announces Further Reforms To The Wholesale Markets Framework
    November 14, 2024

    HM Treasury has published a policy paper announcing further reforms to the U.K.'s wholesale markets framework, a key part of the latest Mansion House reforms HM Treasury has committed to legislate to amend the Markets in Financial Instruments legislative package to achieve these changes. Where the changes involve revoking existing legislation and placing it in the Financial Conduct Authority's Handbook, the revocation will coincide with the regulator's rules taking effect.

    Firstly, the FCA will be given enhanced powers of direction regarding the reporting of OTC positions. This is intended to address issues that arose in the Nickel market in 2022 by empowering the FCA to ensure that exchanges receive the right transparency about OTC positions and enable exchanges to operate their position management obligations effectively. The FCA will be able to intervene where it considers there is a risk to market stability.

    Second, legislation will be introduced revoking the transaction reporting provisions in MiFIR and delegating to the FCA the responsibility for establishing rules for the regime. It is envisaged that the FCA will be in a better position to consider long-term solutions to the challenges facing firms in complying with the existing regime.

    Finally, the detailed firm-facing requirements contained in the MiFID Org Regulation will be revoked and replaced in the FCA's Handbook. This will give the FCA more flexibility to adjust to changing conditions requiring the standards to be updated.
  • Mansion House: Financial Services Growth and Competitiveness Strategy
    November 14, 2024

    HM Treasury has launched a call for evidence on a proposed Financial Services Growth & Competitiveness Strategy, a key part of the latest Mansion House reforms. Once developed, the Strategy will serve as the central guiding framework for the next ten years through which the government aims to deliver sustainable, inclusive growth for the financial services sector and secure the U.K.'s competitiveness as an international financial center. To meet its objectives, the proposed strategy sets out five core policy pillars central to sustainable growth: innovation and technology, regulatory environment, regional growth, skills and access to talent, and international partnerships and trade. The proposed strategy also identified five priority growth areas within the financial services sector: fintech, sustainable finance, capital markets (including retail investment), insurance and reinsurance markets, and asset management and wholesale services. Responses to the call for evidence may be submitted is December 12, 2024. HM Treasury intends to publish the strategy in Spring 2025.

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  • UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2024 published
    November 7, 2024

    The Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2024 have been published, with an accompanying explanatory memorandum. Regulations 3 to 7 make consequential amendments in connection with the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Commencement No. 8) Regulations 2024, which bring into force several paragraphs of Schedule 2 to FSMA 2023, granting the Financial Conduct Authority the power to make rules in relation to pre- and post-trade transparency obligations and systematic internalisers.

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  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Consults on Investment Research Payment Optionality for Fund Managers
    November 5, 2024

    The Financial Conduct Authority has opened a consultation on extending the new payment optionality for investment research to pooled funds. This proposal will allow asset managers to use the new payment optionality that was confirmed for MiFID firms earlier this year, in line with the recommendation made by the U.K. Investment Research Review. We discussed the new rules for MiFID firms in "UK allows bundled payments for third-party research and trading commissions."

    The proposals apply to UCITS and AIF managers and residual collective investment scheme operators. Managers who take up the option will need to meet various requirements, including: (i) having a written policy on the approach of joint payments; (ii) establishing a research budget based on the expected amount of third-party research; (iii) having a cost allocation structure among research providers; (iv) assessing the price and value of research periodically; (v) allocating cost of research fairly; (vi) responsibility for operating and administering any research payment accounts; and (vii) investor disclosure.

    The deadline for comments is December 16, 2024. If the FCA decides to proceed, it aims to publish any rules or guidance in the first half of 2025.
  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Policy Statement and Discussion Paper for Improving Transparency for Bond and Derivatives markets
    November 5, 2024

    Following its consultation earlier this year, the Financial Conduct Authority has published a policy statement setting out its final position on the new U.K. bond and derivative transparency regime. In response to feedback, the FCA has made multiple changes to its proposals, including:
    • Modifying the post-trade deferral durations for bonds;
    • Refining the grouping criteria for bonds; and
    • Removing systems relying on negotiation from the scope of pre-trade transparency entirely.

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    Topic : MiFID II
  • Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Commencement No 8) Regulations 2024 Published
    October 28, 2024

    The U.K. Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Commencement No. 8) Regulations 2024 have been made. The Regulations revoke certain pieces of EU law retained in the U.K. post-Brexit as well as bringing into force amendments made by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 to other such assimilated law. The regulations also bring into force amendments to FSMA 2000 made by FSMA 2023 giving HM Treasury the power to make regulations about unauthorized co-ownership alternative investment funds.

    Revocations include: (i) removing LIBOR as a critical benchmark for the purpose of the U.K. Benchmark Regulations effective October 29, 2024; and (ii) revoking assimilated law versions of Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) 2018/33 and 2018/34 on October 29, 2024, which contain Implementing Technical Standards on the standardized presentation format of the statement of fees and the fee information document and their common symbol. These ITS supplement parts of the Payment Accounts Regulations 2015 that were revoked on January 1, 2024.

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  • European Securities and Markets Authority Updates Guidance Under MiFIR Review
    October 16, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published an updated version of its manual on post-trade transparency and an updated version of its opinion on the assessment of pre-trade transparency waivers for equity and non-equity instruments under the Markets in Financial Instruments package. ESMA is providing further practical guidance on the provisions following the statement from last March on the transition for the application of the MiFID II/MiFIR Review, to reflect the changes introduced. ESMA explains that the amendments are published with the objective of contributing to the smooth transition and consistent application of MiFIR, and complements the clarifications on the applicable MiFIR Review and Technical Standards provisions provided in the Interactive Single Rulebook earlier this year. ESMA also stated that it has updated its Q&As on transparency and market structure issues.
    Topic : MiFID II
  • EU Announces Next Steps for the Transition to T+1 Settlement
    October 16, 2024

    The European Commission, the European Central Bank and the European Securities and Markets Authority have published a joint statement on the next steps to support the preparations towards a transition to T+1. Under the EU Central Securities Depositories Regulation, ESMA is required to assess the appropriateness of shortening the settlement cycle in the EU and to propose a detailed roadmap towards a shorter settlement. ESMA plans to deliver its report to the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament in the coming months.

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  • EU Review of RTS on Transaction Reporting and Order Book Data Under MiFIR Review
    October 3, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published a consultation on the review of regulatory technical standards on transaction data reporting and on order book data under the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation. The proposed changes to the RTS stem from the MiFIR Review amendments. We discuss the overall MiFIR Review changes in our bulletin "MiFID II: the EU's latest adaptations". The deadline for comments is January 3, 2025. ESMA aims to publish a final report and submit the draft technical standards to the EC by the end of Q2 2025.

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    Topic : MiFID II
  • EU Markets Authority Announces Next Steps for the Selection of Consolidated Tape Providers
    September 30, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has announced the next steps for the selection of Consolidated Tape Providers for bonds, shares and ETFs. ESMA will launch the selection procedure for the CTP for bonds on Friday January 3, 2025, intending to adopt a reasoned decision on the selected applicant within six months of the launch, i.e. by early July 2025. In June 2025, ESMA will launch the selection procedure for the CTP for shares and ETFs with the objective to adopt a reasoned decision on the selected applicant by the end of 2025.

    ESMA explains that each selection procedure will be launched with the publication of a contract notice and procurement documents on the EU Funding & Tenders Portal. Prospective applicants are invited to register and familiarize themselves with the Portal. In the coming weeks, ESMA intends to share additional guidance on the assessment of exclusion criteria. ESMA will be available to answer questions throughout the application periods, ESMA also confirms that applicants will be granted as much time as possible, within the boundaries of EU procurement rules, to provide details on their projects. ESMA states that it will publish in December the feedback statement to its proposed technical standards on CTPs and the assessment criteria for the CTP selection procedure. We discussed ESMA's draft technical standards in "European Securities and Markets Authority Proposes Draft Technical Standards for Consolidated Tape Providers".
    Topic : MiFID II
  • UK Regulator Finalizes Payment Optionality Rules
    July 26, 2024

    The Financial Conduct Authority has published a policy statement and final rules that introduce payment optionality for research and trading commissions. The unbundling of research costs from execution commissions has been a controversial topic since the requirements were introduced in 2018 by the second Markets in Financial Instruments Directive. It is widely accepted that these measures have led to a substantial decline in research coverage, in particular for small and medium sized companies. Both the U.K. and the EU had tried a quick fix for the issue by introducing an exemption for SME research, however, that did not improve the research market. The unbundling of research and trading commissions also caused major challenges for U.S. broker-dealers who have had to either register under the Advisers Act or take complex operational steps in order to continue providing research to European investment companies. Following the Investment Research Review, the FCA consulted earlier this year on its proposals for introducing payment optionality and, taking account of feedback, has adjusted the details of some of the guardrails that will apply where firms opt to apply joint payments.

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    Topic : MiFID II
  • UK Conduct Authority Consults on Changes to the Derivatives Trading Obligation
    July 26, 224

    The Financial Conduct Authority has launched a consultation on three proposed amendments to different aspects of the U.K. derivatives trading obligation. The consultation is part of the Wholesale Markets Review. The Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation imposes a "trading obligation," requiring mandatory on-venue trading for financial counterparties and non-financial counterparties where they engage in transactions in derivatives that: (i) have been declared subject to the clearing obligation under the U.K.'s European Market Infrastructure Regulation; (ii) are admitted to trading or traded on at least one U.K. trading venue (a regulated market, multilateral trading facility or organised trading facility) or a third-country equivalent trading venue; and (iii) are sufficiently liquid. Responses to the FCA's consultation may be submitted until September 30, 2024. The FCA intends to publish its direction on the modification of the DTO in Q4.

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    Topics : DerivativesMiFID II
  • EU Statement on Transition of OTC-Transactions to New Post-Trade Transparency Regime
    July 22, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published a public statement on the transition to the new regime for post-trade transparency of OTC-transactions in light of the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation. According to Article 21a of MiFIR II, Designated Publishing Entities, when they are party to a transaction, are responsible for making the transaction public through an approved publication arrangement. MiFIR II requires ESMA to establish by September 29, 2024, a public register of all Designated Publishing Entities, specifying their identity and the classes of financial instruments for which they act as Designated Publishing Entities. MiFIR II does not provide for a transitional provision for the application of the Designated Publishing Entities regime for post-trade transparency.

    Considering the need to ensure an orderly transition to the Designated Publishing Entities regime, ESMA and national competent authorities have agreed on a two-step approach: (i) ESMA starts publishing the Designated Publishing Entities register on September 29, 2024; and (ii) the new Designated Publishing Entities regime for post-trade transparency becomes fully operational on February 3, 2025. Therefore, ESMA expects that as of February 3, 2025, registered Designated Publishing Entities, which are party to a transaction, will make the transaction public through an APA. At the same time, ESMA expects that the current approach relying on systematic internalisers to make transactions public through an APA should stop applying as of this date.

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    Topic : MiFID II
  • EU Consultation on Firms' Order Execution Policies Under MiFID Review
    July 16, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has opened a consultation on proposed draft regulatory technical standards specifying the criteria for establishing and assessing the effectiveness of investment firms' order execution policies, accounting for whether the orders are executed on behalf of retail or professional clients. These proposals arise out of the MiFID Review, and the resulting changes to the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation and Directive, which were published in March. We discuss these in our bulletin, "MiFID II: the EU's latest adaptations." The MiFID II best execution requirements oblige investment firms to obtain the best possible result for their clients when executing client orders, and require execution venues and investment firms to make data relating to the quality of execution of transactions publicly available.

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    Topic : MiFID II
  • Financial Markets Standards Board Consults on Transparency Draft Standard for Sharing of Standard Settlement Instructions
    July 12, 2024

    The Financial Markets Standards Board has commenced consulting on a transparency draft of a standard for sharing of standards settlement instructions. The standards settlement instructions specify the "where" of delivery/settlement after the execution of any financial transaction. The most significant cause of fails at the settlement stage, after lack of inventory, is incorrect or missing standards settlement instructions. The FSMB is proposing the standard to mitigate increased inefficiency risks as jurisdictions move to T+1 settlement. The standard aims to increase the adoption of electronic solutions that allow for standardization and pre-authentication of settlement instructions, and which facilitate "straight-through-processing" to improve efficiency of standards settlement instructions management by recipient counterparties and reduce settlement fails through incorrect standards settlement instructions. Where such electronic solutions are not legally or operationally feasible, the standard incorporates templates for manual sharing of standards settlement instructions which incorporate an industry-standard taxonomy (based on ISO 20022), which should minimize ambiguity. The proposal is structured in two main parts: (i) the standard, which sets out core principles for the channels, processes, and governance around sharing of standards settlement instructions; and (ii) standardized templates, based on industry-standard taxonomy, for use in residual cases where standards settlement instructions are sent manually. The deadline for comments is October 18, 2024.
    Topic : MiFID II
  • European Securities and Markets Authority Consults on MiFID II Review Changes
    July 10, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published a consultation paper on equity transparency, the volume cap, circuit breakers, Systematic Internalisers, the equity consolidated tape provider, and flags for non-equity transparency. The consultation aims to increase transparency and system resilience in financial markets, reducing reporting burden and promoting convergence in the supervisory approach. This package includes:
    • amendments to rules on the liquidity assessment for equity instruments, on equity transparency and on the volume cap;
    • a draft of the new ITS on Systematic Internalisers;
    • a section on the equity CTP in relation to the input/output data, to ensure full alignment between the transparency requirements and the CTP specifications;
    • a section on flags to be used in the post-trade transparency reports for non-equity instruments which was missing in the previous consultation; and
    • new rules specifying organizational requirements of trading venues, adding new provisions on circuit breakers and with targeted amendments to adapt to the Digital Operational Resilience Act framework.
    The deadline for comments on the technical advice, RTS 1, the RTS on input and output data for CTP, and the flags under RTS 2 is September 15, 2024. The deadline for comments on the SI ITS, RTS 3 and RTS 7 is October 15, 2024. ESMA will prepare a final report and submit to the European Commission the technical advice and the draft technical standards for RTS 1, the whole input and output data RTS and RTS 2 in December, and the remaining mandates in March 2025.
    Topic : MiFID II
  • Council of the European Union Agrees Negotiating Mandate on Retail Investment Package
    June 12, 2024

    The Council of the European Union has announced that it has agreed its negotiating position on the retail investment package and published the relevant texts. The package consists of an amending Directive, known as the Omnibus Directive, which revises existing rules set out in the Markets in Financial Instruments II package, the Insurance Distribution Directive, the Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directive, the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive, and Solvency II, as well as an amending Regulation, which revises the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products Regulation.

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  • European Commission Consults on Draft Delegated Regulation for OTC Derivatives Identifying Reference Data
    June 12, 2024

    The European Commission has published consultation for a draft Delegated Regulation supplementing the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation as regards OTC derivatives identifying reference data to be used for the purposes of the transparency requirements laid down in Article 8a(2) and Articles 10 and 21 of MiFIR. Following the MiFIR Review, MiFIR now clarifies that the pre- and post-transparency requirements for non-equity instruments applies to both exchange-traded and OTC derivatives. The post-trade disclosure obligation for investment firms was also amended and that obligation no longer applies to derivatives "traded on a trading venue," but it does apply to OTC derivatives traded by an investment firm either on its own account or on behalf of clients. The transaction reporting obligation applies to both types of derivatives.

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    Topics : DerivativesMiFID II
  • EU Discussion Paper on Investment Firms' Prudential Framework
    June 3, 2024

    The European Banking Authority and European Securities and Markets Authority have published a joint discussion paper on the potential review of the investment firms' prudential framework. The discussion paper aims at gathering early stakeholder feedback to inform the response to the European Commission's call for advice.

    The EBA notes that it is of the overall opinion that the current framework reaches the original general objectives, providing a robust and risk-sensitive prudential framework tailored to the size, activities and complexity of investment firms regulated under the Markets in Financial Instruments package. Nonetheless, it notes that market participants and supervisors highlighted a number of issues or areas of potential improvements of the prudential framework that may lead to changes to either the Investment Firm Regulation and Investment Firm Directive or to the related delegated regulations.

    Among other things, the discussion paper considers: (i) the implications of the adoption of the new EU Banking package (known as CRD VI and CRR III) concerning the trading book, the fundamental review of the trading book and credit valuation adjustments; (ii) prudential consolidation and a possible extension to crowdfunding and crypto-asset service providers; (iii) aspects related to compensation, including the scope of application, compensation policies, the requirements on variable remuneration, and their oversight, disclosure, and transparency; (iv) the treatment of firms currently non-prudentially regulated and active in commodity markets; (v) the categorization of investment firms; and (vi) reviewing the existing K‐factors to cover risks currently only addressed under the Pillar 2 framework or as possible alternatives to existing K-factors.

    The deadline for comments is September 3, 2024. The EBA and ESMA plan to publish a final report by December 2024.
  • EU Statement on the Use of AI in the Provision of Retail Investment Services
    May 30, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published a public statement on the use of AI in the provision of retail investment services. When using AI, ESMA expects firms to comply with relevant Markets in Financial Instruments package requirements, particularly when it comes to organizational aspects, conduct of business, and their regulatory obligation to act in the best interest of the client.

    ESMA reminds firms that although AI technologies offer potential benefits to firms and clients, they also pose inherent risks, such as: (i) algorithmic biases and data quality issues; (ii) opaque decision-making by a firm's staff members; (iii) overreliance on AI by both firms and clients for decision-making; and (iv) privacy and security concerns linked to the collection, storage, and processing of the large amount of data needed by AI systems.

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  • UK Delays Legislation for Amending Ancillary Activities Test
    May 29, 2024

    The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Commodity Derivatives and Emission Allowances) (Amendment) Order 2024 was published on May 29, 2024 and enters into force on December 31, 2024. The 2024 Amendment Order amends the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Commodity Derivatives and Emission Allowances) Order 2023 (S.I. 2023/548) by omitting the provisions relating to the new ancillary activities regime.

    The 2023 Order, which enters into force on January 1, 2025, among other things, paved the way for the Financial Conduct Authority to develop a simpler test for determining which firms need to be authorized as investment firms as a result of their commodities and emission allowances trading business, known as the "ancillary activities test". The ancillary activities test is an exemption from investment firm authorization requirements for firms that trade commodity derivatives or emission allowances as an ancillary activity to their main business, such as energy and other commodity trading firms which are active in both physical trading and financial instrument trading. Under the MiFID II regime, the ancillary activities exemption became based upon a hard-edged test with various financial thresholds. Some of these tests resulted in counterintuitive outcomes for firms, while other issues with the way in which the legislation had been drafted needed resolving via unusually narrow or arguably unnatural interpretations of the text, sometimes supported by regulatory or industry guidance. The 2023 Order simplified the process for determining when a firm satisfies the "ancillary activities" test in the post-Brexit U.K.

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  • European Securities and Markets Authority Proposes Draft Technical Standards for Consolidated Tape Providers
    May 23, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has opened a consultation on draft technical standards related to consolidated tape providers and data reporting service providers, and the assessment criteria for the CTP selection procedure. The Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation envisaged the establishment of a "consolidated tape" for all equity and non-equity transactions. The CTP would collect post-trade information published by trading venues and Approved Publication Arrangements, and consolidate this into a continuous live data stream made available to the public. No consolidated tape has yet been set up in either the EU or the U.K. Following the March publication in the Official Journal of the European Union of the EU's MiFID Review legislation, the provisions in MiFIR on CTPs and DRSPs have been revised to, among other things, require trading venues and APAs (collectively referred to now as "data contributors") to submit market data directly and exclusively to the entities appointed by ESMA as the CTP for each asset class.

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    Topic : MiFID II
  • EU Consultation on Amendments to Commodity Derivatives Technical Standards
    May 23, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published a consultation paper on proposed changes to the rules for position management controls and position reporting. These proposals arise out of the MiFID Review, and the resulting changes to the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation and Directive, which were published in March. MiFID II requires national regulators to establish and apply position limits on the size of a net position in commodity derivatives traded on trading venues and economically equivalent OTC contracts. The limits apply to the size of a position that a person can hold, including any other positions held on behalf of that person by group entities. Trading venues are required to apply position management controls, including monitoring of open interest and obtaining information about the size and purpose of a position entered into, beneficial or underlying owners, concert arrangements, and any related assets or liabilities. Trading venues also have powers to require termination or reduction of positions and to require a person to provide liquidity back into the market at an agreed price and volume to mitigate the effect of a large or dominant position. The position reporting regime is intended to support the application and enforcement of position limits.

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    Topics : DerivativesMiFID II
  • European Securities and Markets Authority Launches Consultation on Technical Standards Arising out of MiFIR Review
    May 21, 2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has launched its first consultation on regulatory technical standards arising from the MiFID Review and the resulting changes to the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation and Directive, which were published in March. The MiFID Review amendments aim to enhance the availability of information on trading and companies for investors. ESMA's consultation covers:
    • Amendments to RTS 2 - the amendments relate to pre- and post-trade transparency requirements for non-equity instruments (bonds, emission allowances and structured products), and aim at ensuring trade information is available to stakeholders by improving, simplifying, and harmonising transparency requirements, and combining the right balance between real-time transparency and the ability to defer publication.
    • Amendments to RTS 23 - the amendments relate to the obligation to provide instrument reference data that is fit for both transaction reporting and transparency purposes. ESMA also proposes to align this data with other relevant reporting frameworks and international standards in relation to reference data.
    • New draft RTS on the obligation to make pre-and post-trade data available on a "reasonable commercial basis"—this is intended to guarantee that market data is available to data users in an accessible, fair, and non-discriminatory manner. The consultation elaborates on the cost-based nature of fees and the applicable reasonable margin.

    Responses to the consultation may be submitted until August 28, 2024. ESMA intends to submit the draft RTS to the European Commission by the end of Q4 2024.
    Topic : MiFID II
  • UK Updates and Expands Equivalence for US Derivatives Trading Venues
    May 14, 2024

    The Markets in Financial Instruments (Equivalence) (United States of America) (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) Regulations 2024 (SI 2024/638) were made on May 14, 2024 and entered into force on June 4, 2024. In preparation for Brexit, the U.K. onshored the EU's 2017 equivalence decision for the legal and supervisory framework applicable to designated contract markets and swap execution facilities in the U.S. for the purposes of the trading obligation for derivatives under the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation. MiFIR requires that derivatives declared subject to the derivatives trading obligation must be traded on U.K. trading venues or third-country trading venues following an equivalence decision by HM Treasury. The onshored 2017 equivalence decision covers designated contract markets and swap execution facilities supervised and authorized by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and ensured that, when the U.K. left the EU, U.K. counterparties could continue to satisfy the DTO when they trade derivatives instruments on covered DCMs and SEFs.

    HM Treasury has committed to reviewing the U.K.'s equivalence decision under the Smarter Regulatory Framework. In addition, HM Treasury considers that the CFTC's regime remains equivalent to U.K. MiFIR. The new Regulations therefore revoke and replace the onshored 2017 equivalence decision, updating the list of trading venues to include all current CFTC-authorized DCMs and SEFs.
  • UK Conduct Regulator Proposes Payment Optionality for Investment Research

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has opened a consultation setting out proposals for allowing firms to use joint (bundled) payments for third-party research and execution services, subject to certain requirements being met. The proposals follow the recommendations made by the U.K. Investment Research Review in July last year, and which both the U.K. government and FCA accepted. This also follows the removal by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission of its temporary exemption on the need for U.S. firms to register as investment advisors if they sell research separately from execution. Responses to the consultation may be submitted until June 5, 2024. Depending on the scope of feedback received, the FCA is aiming to publish its final rules or guidance by the end of June 2024.

    The FCA is proposing to introduce a new option that facilitates bundled payments for third-party research and execution services. The new option would be available alongside the existing methods of a firm making direct payments out of its own resources or from a separate research payment account.

    Firms that opt to make bundled payments will need to satisfy certain conditions.

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  • EU MiFID II Review Package Published

    On March 8, 2024, legislation amending the EU's Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and Regulation were published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The amending Directive and amending Regulation aim to enhance the availability of information on trading and companies for investors. Some of the proposed changes are similar to those that the U.K. has made or is contemplating making as part of the Wholesale Markets Review.

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    Topic : MiFID II
  • UK Data Reporting Services Regulations 2024 Published

    On January 29, 2024, the Data Reporting Services Regulations 2024 (SI 2024/107) were made. The Data Reporting Services Regulations 2024 will enter into force on the same day that the Data Reporting Services Regulations 2017 are revoked, which is April 5, 2024, according to the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Commencement No. 4 and Transitional and Saving Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations 2023. The Data Reporting Services Regulations 2024 will replace the Data Reporting Services Regulations 2017, restating with modifications some of the 2017 content.

    The Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 granted the FCA power to make rules for data reporting service providers (DRSPs), of which there are three types- Approved Publication Arrangements, Approved Reporting Mechanisms and Consolidated Tape Providers. DRSPs generally facilitate compliance by investment firms of their regulatory reporting obligations, ensuring that market data is accessible and supporting effective price formation and best execution.

    The Data Reporting Services Regulations 2024 set the regulatory perimeter of the U.K.'s regime for DRSPs, set out the authorization regime for providing a data reporting service, and restate the FCA's supervisory and enforcement powers. The FCA is also given powers to run a tender process to select U.K. CTPs for a particular asset class. No CTP is yet established in the U.K. or the EU. The FCA published its final framework for a consolidated tape for bonds in December 2023, and the tender process for the bond CTP will progress through 2024.
  • Fourth Commencement Regulations Under Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 Published

    The Fourth Commencement Regulations - the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Commencement No. 4 and Transitional and Saving Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 - under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 were made on December 14, 2023. 

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  • UK Conduct Regulator Consults on Bond and Derivatives Markets Transparency Requirements

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has opened a consultation on proposals for improving transparency for bond and derivatives markets. Following the Wholesale Markets Review, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 grants powers to the FCA to make rules which will replace the current pre-trade and post-trade disclosure rules for bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances and derivatives set out in the U.K. Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation. The FCA's rules must ensure efficient price formation and the fair evaluation of financial assets. This consultation sets out the FCA's proposed approach to those rules. Responses to the FCA's consultation may be submitted until March 6, 2024.

    The FCA is proposing that trading venues and investment firms dealing OTC will be subject to minimum harmonized transparency requirements for sovereign bonds, corporate bonds and certain derivatives subject to the clearing obligation. For these financial instruments, there will be large in scale thresholds. Pre-transparency waivers will be available for orders above the threshold and deferrals for post-trade requirements. For other financial instruments, the FCA is proposing to set the standards and criteria to which trading venues should refer in order to meet the FCA's transparency expectations. Investment firms dealing in other financial instruments will not be required to report their transactions to the public.

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  • UK Finalizes Framework for Consolidated Tape for Bonds

    Following its consultation last year, the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority has published its final framework for a consolidated tape for bonds. MiFID II introduced requirements for a CT for transactions in equity and non-equity instruments. It requires a consolidated tape provider to collect post-trade information published by trading venues and approved publication arrangements and to consolidate this into a continuous live data stream made available to the public. No consolidated tape has yet been set up in either the U.K. or the EU. The Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 gave the FCA rule-making powers for Data Reporting Service Providers, enabling it to set a framework for the development of a CT.

    The FCA's policy statement sets out its rules and guidance on the bond CT, which are due to come into force on April 5, 2024, which is the anticipated date that the draft Data Reporting Services Regulations 2023 are expected to enter into force, subject to Parliamentary process. The DRSRs 2023 will replace the Data Reporting Services Regulations 2017, restating with modifications some of the 2017 content. The tender process for the bond CTP will kick-off in 2024.

    The FCA's final policy is set out in a paper that also gives the FCA's response to feedback on a CT for equities and sets out proposals on payments to data providers by the bond CTP and forms for a Data Reporting Service Provider, adapted to reflect the DRSRs 2023 and the FCA's Handbook amendments. Responses to the FCA's proposals may be submitted until February 9, 2024. The FCA is aiming to finalize those rules and forms for April 5, 2024 too.
    Topic : MiFID II
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