A&O Shearman | FinReg | UK Payment Systems Regulator Will Review Supply of Card-Acquiring Services
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  • UK Payment Systems Regulator Will Review Supply of Card-Acquiring Services

    The U.K. Payment Systems Regulator has published for consultation its draft terms of reference for a planned market review into the supply of card-acquiring services in the U.K. Merchants that accept card payments from customers purchase card-acquiring services from specialist providers to enable card payments to be accepted and processed on their behalf. The market review is a response to concerns raised by stakeholders that the supply of these services may not be working well for some merchants and, ultimately, consumers.

    The market review will examine: (i) the nature and characteristics of card-acquiring services; (ii) the providers of these services and how their market shares have developed historically; (iii) how merchants buy card-acquiring services; (iv) the availability of credible alternatives to card-acquiring services for some or all merchants; and (v) how competition is working in the sector, including looking at issues around the fees merchants pay and the quality of service they receive.

    The PSR is inviting feedback on its draft terms of reference until September 14, 2018. The PSR intends to publish finalized terms of reference, including a timetable for the review, before the end of 2018.

    View the draft terms of reference for the review (MR 18/1.1).

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