A&O Shearman | FinReg | UK Competition and Markets Authority to Impose Confidentiality Ring for Provisional Decision Report on the Investment Consultants Market Investigation
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  • UK Competition and Markets Authority to Impose Confidentiality Ring for Provisional Decision Report on the Investment Consultants Market Investigation

    The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority has published a notice of intention to operate a confidentiality ring, following publication of the Provisional Decision Report on the Investment Consultants Market Investigation. The CMA is assessing the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services. As part of the investigation, the CMA has received information and/or data from a number of parties. This data has been used by the CMA in the investigation, in particular in preparing the Provisional Decision Report, which will be published in mid-July 2018. The notice:
    • provides a description of the data that has been used;
    • sets the timing of the confidentiality ring - from 9.30 am on the date of publication of the Provisional Decision Report until 5 pm on the date five weeks thereafter; and
    • stipulates the access conditions under the confidentiality ring, including completion of an undertaking by those wishing to access the confidentiality ring, the form of which is set out in an annex.

    View the CMA's notice.

    View the form of undertaking.

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