A&O Shearman | FinReg | UK Payment Services Regulator Consults on Delivery and Regulation of the UK's New Payments Architecture
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  • UK Payment Services Regulator Consults on Delivery and Regulation of the UK's New Payments Architecture

    The U.K. Payment Systems Regulator has opened a consultation on the delivery and regulation of the U.K.'s New Payments Architecture. The NPA will reorganize the clearing and settlement of most of the U.K.'s domestic interbank payments, including payments that currently use the BACS and Faster Payments systems. The PSR consulted last year on issues relating to competition and innovation in payment services and remains concerned about these issues. The PSR is also concerned that the current NPA programme will not provide value for money and will delay the achievement of the benefits of the NPA. The PSR is therefore seeking views on its proposals to reduce these risks to the successful delivery of the NPA. The proposals include narrowing the scope of the initial contract for delivery to those services that support the replacement and upgrade of Faster Payments and on ways to mitigate the risks to competition and innovation, including procurement, contractual provisions and governance provisions. Responses to the proposals on reducing the risk to delivery of the NPA may be submitted until March 19, 2021 and responses to the proposals on mitigating competition issues may be submitted until May 5, 2021.

    View the PSR's consultation paper on delivery of the NPA.

    View details of the PSR's consultation on competition and innovation.

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