A&O Shearman | FinReg | UK Conduct Authority Clarifies Forbearance for Investment Trust Disclosure Requirements Under PRIIPs Regulation
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  • UK Conduct Authority Clarifies Forbearance for Investment Trust Disclosure Requirements Under PRIIPs Regulation

    September 30, 2024
    The Financial Conduct Authority has updated its statement on forbearance in relation to investment trust disclosure requirements under the U.K.'s current Packaged Retail and Insurance-Based Investment Products Regulation. The Government announced earlier in September its intention to exempt listed investment trusts from the PRIIPs Regulation along with a statement on reforms to the U.K. retail disclosure regime through the introduction of Consumer Composite Investments regime. At the same time, the FCA announced it would immediately apply forbearance until the legislation takes effect. We discussed the earlier announcements by HM Treasury and the FCA in "UK Announces Final Reforms to Financial Services Retail Disclosure Requirements".

    The updated forbearance statement provides great clarity on the implication of the forbearance as regards compliance by firms with other rules and regulations, including the Consumer Duty and communicating to consumers. The FCA confirms that the forbearance applies along the distribution chain to any firm carrying on business relating to the relevant investment trusts, including manufacturing, distribution or marketing. The FCA states that firms across the distribution chain will need to consider what approach will deliver good outcomes for their retail clients, including the product information needed to support retail investors.

    The FCA expects firms in the distribution chain for securities issued by investment trusts to work together to determine and share the required information to enable the continued distribution of these products, in compliance with their more general obligations towards retail investors, in particular under the Consumer Duty.

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