A&O Shearman | FinReg | Financial Stability Board Publishes Reporting Guidelines for Global Securities Financing Data Collection
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  • Financial Stability Board Publishes Reporting Guidelines for Global Securities Financing Data Collection

    The Financial Stability Board has published final Reporting Guidelines for implementing the November 2015 Global FSB Securities Financing Data Standards, which set out the standards and processes for global securities financing data collection, aggregation and reporting by national regulators for financial stability purposes. The standards, among other things, define the data elements for repurchase agreements, securities lending and margin lending and set out recommendations for national regulators on the collection of data from market participants, so that timely and comprehensive visibility into trends and developments in these markets can be obtained. National regulators must report in USD to the Bank for International Settlements, acting as the global aggregator.

    The Reporting Guidelines set out the information to be collected (referred to as measures), the classification of the measures (referred to as characteristics) and the procedures for validating the data. The Reporting Guidelines include four annexes: Annex 1 contains the reporting template, Annex 2 shows which set of tables should be reported (this is to be finalized once reporting authorities for each jurisdiction are determined), Annex 3 provides the scope of securities financing transactions included in the reporting obligation and Annex 4 has examples of how transactions should be reported using the Guidelines.

    View the Reporting Guidelines.

    View the 2015 Securities Financing Data Standards.