European Securities and Markets Authority Launches Consultation on Technical Standards Arising out of MiFIR Review
May 21, 2024The European Securities and Markets Authority has launched its first consultation on regulatory technical standards arising from the MiFID Review and the resulting changes to the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation and Directive, which were published in March. The MiFID Review amendments aim to enhance the availability of information on trading and companies for investors. ESMA's consultation covers:- Amendments to RTS 2 - the amendments relate to pre- and post-trade transparency requirements for non-equity instruments (bonds, emission allowances and structured products), and aim at ensuring trade information is available to stakeholders by improving, simplifying, and harmonising transparency requirements, and combining the right balance between real-time transparency and the ability to defer publication.
- Amendments to RTS 23 - the amendments relate to the obligation to provide instrument reference data that is fit for both transaction reporting and transparency purposes. ESMA also proposes to align this data with other relevant reporting frameworks and international standards in relation to reference data.
- New draft RTS on the obligation to make pre-and post-trade data available on a "reasonable commercial basis"—this is intended to guarantee that market data is available to data users in an accessible, fair, and non-discriminatory manner. The consultation elaborates on the cost-based nature of fees and the applicable reasonable margin.
Responses to the consultation may be submitted until August 28, 2024. ESMA intends to submit the draft RTS to the European Commission by the end of Q4 2024.
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