A&O Shearman | FinReg | EU Markets Authority Announces Next Steps for the Selection of Consolidated Tape Providers
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  • EU Markets Authority Announces Next Steps for the Selection of Consolidated Tape Providers

    September 30, 2024
    The European Securities and Markets Authority has announced the next steps for the selection of Consolidated Tape Providers for bonds, shares and ETFs. ESMA will launch the selection procedure for the CTP for bonds on Friday January 3, 2025, intending to adopt a reasoned decision on the selected applicant within six months of the launch, i.e. by early July 2025. In June 2025, ESMA will launch the selection procedure for the CTP for shares and ETFs with the objective to adopt a reasoned decision on the selected applicant by the end of 2025.

    ESMA explains that each selection procedure will be launched with the publication of a contract notice and procurement documents on the EU Funding & Tenders Portal. Prospective applicants are invited to register and familiarize themselves with the Portal. In the coming weeks, ESMA intends to share additional guidance on the assessment of exclusion criteria. ESMA will be available to answer questions throughout the application periods, ESMA also confirms that applicants will be granted as much time as possible, within the boundaries of EU procurement rules, to provide details on their projects. ESMA states that it will publish in December the feedback statement to its proposed technical standards on CTPs and the assessment criteria for the CTP selection procedure. We discussed ESMA's draft technical standards in "European Securities and Markets Authority Proposes Draft Technical Standards for Consolidated Tape Providers".

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    Topic: MiFID II