EU Discussion Paper on Investment Firms' Prudential Framework
June 3, 2024The European Banking Authority and European Securities and Markets Authority have published a joint discussion paper on the potential review of the investment firms' prudential framework. The discussion paper aims at gathering early stakeholder feedback to inform the response to the European Commission's call for advice.
The EBA notes that it is of the overall opinion that the current framework reaches the original general objectives, providing a robust and risk-sensitive prudential framework tailored to the size, activities and complexity of investment firms regulated under the Markets in Financial Instruments package. Nonetheless, it notes that market participants and supervisors highlighted a number of issues or areas of potential improvements of the prudential framework that may lead to changes to either the Investment Firm Regulation and Investment Firm Directive or to the related delegated regulations.
Among other things, the discussion paper considers: (i) the implications of the adoption of the new EU Banking package (known as CRD VI and CRR III) concerning the trading book, the fundamental review of the trading book and credit valuation adjustments; (ii) prudential consolidation and a possible extension to crowdfunding and crypto-asset service providers; (iii) aspects related to compensation, including the scope of application, compensation policies, the requirements on variable remuneration, and their oversight, disclosure, and transparency; (iv) the treatment of firms currently non-prudentially regulated and active in commodity markets; (v) the categorization of investment firms; and (vi) reviewing the existing Kâfactors to cover risks currently only addressed under the Pillar 2 framework or as possible alternatives to existing K-factors.
The deadline for comments is September 3, 2024. The EBA and ESMA plan to publish a final report by December 2024.
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