A&O Shearman | FinReg | UK Regulator Consults on Rules for Ring-Fenced Banks to Establish Overseas Entities
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Financial Regulatory Developments Focus
  • UK Regulator Consults on Rules for Ring-Fenced Banks to Establish Overseas Entities

    The U.K. Prudential Regulation Authority is consulting on a proposed rule and policy changes relating to the establishment and maintenance of third-country branches and subsidiaries within ring-fenced banking groups. The PRA's consultation comes out of HM Treasury's Smarter Ring-Fencing Regime consultation, in which it is proposing, among other things, to remove the ban on RFBs that prevents them from operating in or servicing customers outside the U.K. and European Economic Area. Responses to the PRA's consultation may be submitted until November 27, 2023.

    The PRA is proposing to require an RFB to ensure that risks from its overseas subsidiary or branch are not material to its safety and soundness, including its ability to continue to provide core services in the U.K. and its resolvability. It also proposes to update its existing Supervisory Statement on RFBs to set out its proposed approach to assessing compliance with the new rule and determining whether there is a material risk to a RFB's stability.

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