A&O Shearman | FinReg | UK Jurisdiction Taskforce Publishes Consultation on Digital Assets and Insolvency Law
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  • UK Jurisdiction Taskforce Publishes Consultation on Digital Assets and Insolvency Law

    The U.K. Jurisdiction Taskforce has published a consultation relating to its proposed Legal Statement offering guidance on the application of English insolvency law principles to digital assets. The proposed Legal Statement will cover a range of areas which are listed in an Annex to the paper. Respondents are invited to submit comments on these areas, which include: (i) whether digital assets would constitute "property" under English insolvency legislation; (ii) which jurisdictional rules apply to determine the location of digital assets; and (iii) whether any difficulties can be perceived in applying English insolvency legislation to the avoidance of prior transactions to pre-insolvency dealings with digital assets. In addition, respondents are encouraged to inform the UKJT of any material issues of concern to stakeholders in relation to the application of English insolvency law to digital assets, other than those listed in the paper's Annex. Responses should be submitted by December 4, 2023.

    The consultation paper follows a series of other publications by the UKJT on legal issues surrounding digital assets, including its Statement on the Issuance and Transfer of Digital Securities under English Law, published in February 2023.

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