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  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Updates on Consolidated Tapes for Equities and Bonds

    August 13, 2024
    The FCA has published two new webpages on its work establishing consolidated tapes for equities and bonds. The final FCA framework for the bond CT was published in December 2023, along with a consultation on proposed payments from the bond consolidated tape provider to data providers, as well as responses to the FCA's discussion paper on the design of the equities CT. Feedback to the FCA's discussion paper was divided as to whether, and how much, pre-trade data should be included in an equities CT. The FCA has now appointed consultants to analyse the potential impact of including pre-trade data on the stability and resilience of U.K. equity markets and the outcomes for different types of users of the market. The FCA intends to provide a further update before the end of the year. As regards the bonds CT, the FCA published a Handbook Notice in April 2024 confirming that it would not require the bond CTP to make payments to data providers. The FCA is finalising the tender design to appoint a bond CTP and expects to commence the tender before the end of the year. The FCA requests any who are interested in taking part in the tender process to contact them by September 13, 2024 to allow it to be in contact with all relevant parties when making decisions to finalise the tender process.

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