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  • UK Financial Conduct Authority Seeks Comment on Draft Rule Review Framework

    The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority launched a consultation on July 14, 2023, on its proposed Rule Review Framework. The Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 transfers responsibility for making detailed rules to the U.K.'s regulators, significantly increasing their powers. To ensure proper oversight of the use of those powers in practice, the FSM Act provides for an enhanced regulatory accountability framework, subjecting the regulators to additional oversight by Parliament and HM Treasury. Among other things, the FCA and Prudential Regulation Authority must keep their rules under review and publish a statement of policy on how they conduct such reviews.

    The FCA is proposing a draft Rule Review Framework based on the use of data to assess the effects of a rule change. The draft Framework sets out three types of review that the FCA could conduct, describing their purpose. The three types of review are an evidence assessment, a post-implementation review and an ex post impact evaluation. The FCA's draft Framework also describes the steps it could take if the data shows that a rule is not working as had been intended. Comments on the FCA's draft Rule Review Framework may be submitted until September 15, 2023.

    The PRA is also consulting on its proposed approach to reviewing its rules, including a proposed statement of policy. Responses to the PRA's consultation may be submitted until September 29, 2023.

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