A&O Shearman | FinReg | Single Resolution Board Launches Consultation on Standardized Data Set for Resolution Valuations
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  • Single Resolution Board Launches Consultation on Standardized Data Set for Resolution Valuations

    The EU Single Resolution Board has launched a consultation on two proposed documents providing further guidance on the SRB’s expectations for the minimum data sets required to support a robust valuation for Eurozone bank resolutions. Responses to the consultation should be submitted by June 30, 2020.
    In February 2019, the SRB published its Framework for Valuation, a guidance document for independent valuers and the public setting out the SRB’s expectations on the principles upon which valuations for resolution under the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive and the Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation should be based. The SRB is now proposing the following two additional documents:
    1. ‘SRB Valuation Data Set instructions document’, developing standards for the data set to be used in resolution valuations and setting out expectations in relation to data needs, including providing clear definitions of key topics; and
    2. An explanatory note providing guidance to banks on their management information systems capabilities, which support the production of up to date and complete information that can be used in valuations.
    The SRB expects Eurozone banks to prepare, collect, aggregate and submit the data and information set out in the SRB’s proposed Valuation Data Set to the SRB on a timely basis and to have management information systems capabilities to produce and maintain the required information.
    View the SRB's consultation on Valuation Data Sets.
     View details of the SRB’s Framework for Resolution.
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