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  • European Securities and Markets Authority Publishes Annual Report

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has published its Annual Report, dated June 15, 2018. The report sets out ESMA's key achievements against its 2017 objectives of promoting supervisory convergence, assessing risks to investors, markets and financial stability, completing a single rulebook for the EU financial markets and directly supervising trade repositories, credit rating agencies and third-country CCPs. The report also discusses ESMA's contributions to the work of the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities.

    The report does not consider the focus areas for ESMA in 2018, which are set out in ESMA's work programes. However, ESMA indicates that in 2018 it will be, among other things: (i) issuing further opinions on pre-transparency waivers under the Markets in Financial Instruments package; (ii) engaging with credit rating agencies and trade repositories on their strategy, governance, operational matters and preparations for Brexit; and (iii) continuing its work to finalize the technical standards and technical advice under the EU Prospectus Regulation.

    View ESMA's Annual Report.

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