A&O Shearman | FinReg | European Systemic Risk Board Assessment of Implementation of its Recommendation on Guidance for Setting Countercyclical Buffer Rates
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  • European Systemic Risk Board Assessment of Implementation of its Recommendation on Guidance for Setting Countercyclical Buffer Rates

    July 3, 2024
    The European Systemic Risk Board has published a report on its second assessment of implementing actions taken by EU Member State bodies responsible for setting the countercyclical buffer rate, following the ESRB's Recommendation on setting countercyclical buffer rates. The report assesses compliance with the Recommendation, which is addressed to the designated EU Member State bodies, as well as the European Central Bank. The report concludes that the overall level of compliance remains high, with all addressees graded as either fully or largely compliant, and that the deficiencies in compliance identified are not sufficiently material to diminish the efficiency of macro-prudential policies or the single market. The next ESRB follow-up assessment is expected to take place in three years' time, starting from the last reporting deadline.

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