A&O Shearman | FinReg | European Supervisory Authorities approve terms of reference for new EU systemic cyber incidence co-ordination framework forum under the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act
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  • European Supervisory Authorities approve terms of reference for new EU systemic cyber incidence co-ordination framework forum under the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act

    January 27, 2025
    The European Supervisory Authorities have published the terms of reference for the EU systemic cyber incident co-ordination framework Forum established under the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act. The Forum will be composed of representatives of EU and national bodies, including the ESAs and the European Commission. The Forum is tasked with: (i) developing and maintaining documents, protocols, procedures, arrangements, taxonomy and plans to support co-ordination in case of crisis mode, taking into account the existing coordination frameworks and the cyber threat landscape; (ii) preparing the set-up of a dedicated ad-hoc group responsible for managing crisis mode; and (iii) exercise and test the protocols and procedures to ensure continued preparedness in the event of activation of crisis mode. The terms of reference will be subject to review and endorsement by the Joint Committee and subsequent approval by the ESAs' Boards of Supervisors, and adapted to reflect any new developments, as relevant and appropriate, every two years. The terms of reference came into effect on January 17, 2025.

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