European Securities and Markets Authority consults on changes to settlement discipline under CSDR
13 February 2025The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published a consultation paper on a Delegated Regulation amending Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1229, which supplements the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) with regard to RTS on settlement discipline.
The Regulation amending the CSDR (CSDR Refit) introduced in Article 6(5) and Article 7(10) of the CSDR two mandates for ESMA to develop draft RTS in relation to settlement discipline measures and tools to improve settlement efficiency. ESMA plans to fulfil these mandates by amending Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1229, including on timing and means for sending allocations and confirmations, on requiring all central securities depositories (CSDs) to offer hold and release and partial settlement functionalities and to enable automated use of intraday cash credit secured with collateral, as well as on the requirements for CSDs to report top failing participants, and the information on settlement fails to be published by CSDs. ESMA also explores additional tools to improve settlement efficiency, for which ESMA's preliminary view is that no regulatory action is required, but on which it would nevertheless like to receive stakeholders' views. These include topics such as the CSD business day schedule, the Standard Settlement Instructions format, the Unique Transaction Identifier (UTI), Place of Settlement (PSET) and Place of Safekeeping (PSAF). The deadline for comments is 14 April. ESMA expects to publish a final report and submit the draft RTS to the European Commission by October.
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