A&O Shearman | FinReg | European Banking Authority Publishes Final Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on Market Risk Framework
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  • European Banking Authority Publishes Final Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on Market Risk Framework

    August 13, 2024
    The European Banking Authority has published its final amendments to the Regulatory Technical Standards on the market risk framework, also known as the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book. The EU Capital Requirements Regulation III introduced a number of changes to the FRTB, as implemented in the EU via CRR II, and consequently mandated the EBA to review its RTS in areas where the underlying CRR legal basis has been amended, namely on the treatment of foreign-exchange and commodity risk in the banking book, the profit and loss attribution test, and the risk factor modellability assessment. The EBA's RTS therefore amend the following: (i) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2059, which sets out the details on the profit and loss attribution test. The amending RTS remove the aggregation formula for computing the total own funds requirements for market risk for an institution using the alternative internal model approach as this formula has been now introduced in the CRR III; (ii) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2060, which relates to the risk factors' modellability assessment. The amending RTS ensure that institutions are able to identify how far they rely on a third-party vendor for the purpose of assessing the modellability of a risk factor; and (iii) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1577, which relates to the treatment of foreign exchange and commodity risk in the non-trading book. The amending RTS ensure that translation risk is duly captured by institutions. The EBA will submit the final draft RTS to the European Commission for endorsement.

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