A&O Shearman | FinReg | European Banking Authority Announces Anti-Money Laundering Priorities for 2024/25
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  • European Banking Authority Announces Anti-Money Laundering Priorities for 2024/25

    June 26, 2024
    The European Banking Authority has published a press release welcoming the entry into force of the new EU framework establishing the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Authority. The EBA also published a factsheet on how it is preparing for AMLA. Going forward, the EBA will retain its AML/CFT powers and mandates until December 2025 to minimize disruption and provide continuity, and it will also be working closely with AMLA. In particular, after transferring the powers that are specific to AML/CFT to AMLA, the EBA will remain responsible for addressing ML/TF risk across its prudential remit. The EBA will also be providing the European Commission with technical advice on important aspects of the future EU AML/CFT framework to ensure that AMLA can begin to operate efficiently and effectively as of its establishment. The EBA plans to provide this advice in October 2025. In the press release the EBA sets out its AML and CTF priorities for 2024/25, which include: (i) a methodology for selecting financial institutions for direct EU-level AML/CFT supervision; (ii) a common risk assessment methodology; (iii) information necessary to carry out customer due diligence; and (iv) criteria to determine the seriousness of a breach of AML/CFT provisions.

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