A&O Shearman | FinReg | EU-Wide Supervisory Focus on UCITS Liquidity Risk Management Announced
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  • EU-Wide Supervisory Focus on UCITS Liquidity Risk Management Announced

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has announced an EU-wide common supervisory action on liquidity risk management by managers of Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities will be undertaken in 2020. This would appear to be a response to the Woodford scandal. The EU UCITS Regulation requires UCITS managers to manage a UCITS liquidity risk to ensure, among other things, that investors can redeem their investments on demand. National regulators of EU member states are going to simultaneously assess compliance with the requirements by market participants established in their jurisdictions. The knowledge and experience of the national regulators will be shared through ESMA to enhance the convergence of supervisory practices.

    View ESMA's announcement.

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    Topic: Funds