A&O Shearman | FinReg | EU Final Draft Technical Standards on TLAC and MREL Disclosure & Reporting
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  • EU Final Draft Technical Standards on TLAC and MREL Disclosure & Reporting

    The European Banking Authority has published a final report and final draft Implementing Technical Standards on disclosure and reporting of Minimum Requirement for Own Funds and Eligible Liabilities and Total Loss Absorbing Capacity. Revisions to the EU's Bank Recovery & Resolution Directive and the Capital Requirements Regulation, which were finalized in 2019, implement the Financial Stability Board's TLAC requirements in the EU as well as amend the EU's existing MREL requirements. The TLAC requirements will apply to all EU global systemically important institutions and the revised MREL requirements to G-SIIs and other relevant firms. The final draft ITS will supplement the Pillar 3 disclosure requirements and supervisory reporting requirements on TLAC and MREL introduced by BRRD2 and CRR2.

    The EBA has submitted the final draft ITS to the Commission for endorsement. The ITS on TLAC disclosures will apply immediately on entry into force. The MREL disclosure requirements will apply either from January 1, 2024 (the expiration date of relevant transitional periods) or from the later deadline set by the relevant resolution authority.

    View the EBA's report, final draft ITS and related annexes.

    View details of BRRD2.

    View details of CRR2.

    Return to main website.