EU Authority Seeks Feedback on Potential Shorter EU Settlement Cycle
10/16/2023The European Securities and Markets Authority has opened a call for evidence on shortening the settlement cycle in the EU. The existing EU settlement cycle for trades in transferable securities executed on trading venues is by no later than the second business day after the trade takes place, known as T+2. Responses to the call for evidence may be submitted by December 15, 2023. ESMA will report to the European Commission during 2024, although an earlier report may be produced if ESMA considers that regulatory action is needed in response to the move to T+1 or T+0 in other jurisdictions.
ESMA is asking for feedback from financial market participants on the impact on their operations of a reduced securities settlement cycle to T+1 or T+0, what benefits and costs it would bring, and how and when a shorter settlement cycle could be achieved. ESMA considers that the EU landscape is more complex than that in other jurisdictions because there is no centralized EU post-trade financial markets infrastructure and no harmonized securities law. Finally, ESMA seeks input on the impact of developments in other jurisdictions, such as the intended move by the U.S. and Canada to T+1 in mid-2024 and the U.K.'s assessment of changing to T+1 or T+0, an initial report on which is expected by the end of this year (announced as part of the Edinburgh Reforms which are discussed in our client note, "UK Government Publishes Edinburgh Reforms for Financial Services").
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