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  • Council of the European Union adopts EU Listing Act legislative package

    October 8, 2024
    The Council of the European Union has adopted the Listing Act legislative package, marking the final step in the decision-making process. The package consists of: (i) a regulation amending the Prospectus Regulation, Market Abuse Regulation, and Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation; (ii) a directive amending the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and repealing the Listing Directive; and (iii) a directive on multiple vote shares. The regulation and directive amending MiFID and repealing the Listing Directive seek to streamline the rules applicable to companies going through a listing process or companies already listed on EU public markets. The aim is to simplify the process for companies, particularly SMEs, by alleviating administrative burdens and costs, while preserving a sufficient degree of transparency, investor protection, and market integrity. The multiple-vote shares directive creates a minimum harmonization at EU level that removes obstacles for the access of SMEs with multiple-vote structures to SME growth markets and any other multilateral trading facility open to trading of SME shares. The directive protects the rights of shareholders with fewer votes per share by introducing safeguards on how key decisions are taken at general meetings and also helps investors to take decisions by mandating transparency measures for companies with multiple-vote share structures.

    Following the Council's adoption, the different measures of the Listing Act will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and enter into force 20 days later. Member states will have 18 months to transpose the directive amending MiFID into national legislation and two years to transpose the directive on multiple-vote shares.

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