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  • Council of the European Union Agrees Mandate on Proposed Regulation on Simpler Financial Reporting Requirements

    June 19, 2024
    The Council of the EU agreed its negotiating mandate on the proposed Regulation amending the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) Regulation (1092/2010), EBA Regulation (1093/2010), EIOPA Regulation (1094/2010), ESMA Regulation (1095/2010), and InvestEU Regulation ((EU) 2021/523) regarding certain reporting requirements in the fields of financial services and investment support. The proposal updates existing rules on data sharing between the European Supervisory Authorities and other financial sector authorities with the aim of reducing the administrative burden for authorities in the financial sector. Changes to the European Commission proposal highlighted by the Council include: (i) clarification that responsibility for the exchange of information should lie with the ESAs and the ESRB, which should share the information received from the national regulators with other ESAs and EU and national authorities and that it should concern only data stemming from reporting requirements under EU, not national, law; and (ii) removing the newly created AML/CTF Authority from the scope of the authorities that are allowed to issue a request for data sharing at this stage, with a reassessment of its inclusion within two years. As the European Parliament adopted its negotiating mandate on March 12, 2024, interinstitutional negotiations may now begin.

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